Example sentences of "would still [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 so I mean you would still 've got your golf thing out
2 The theory gives an account of what it is for a belief to be luckily true , as follows : the extent to which a 's belief is luckily true is the extent to which even if it had been false , a would still have believed it , or if it were in changed circumstances still true , he would still believe it .
3 The interesting question is , under today 's restrictions , just how many of America 's great leaders of the past would still have made it to the White House .
4 Thus by 1930 , when a Roman would still have felt at home on an Andalusian estate , Catalonia contained some of the largest textile concerns in Europe and the immigrant labour , which poured into the Catalan towns in order to escape the wretchedness of rural life , brought into the labour movements of a modern industrial civilization the millenarian tradition of peasants and landless labourers .
5 This means that the total level of unemployment exceeds the natural level — i.e. the level of unemployment which would still have existed even if the real wage had been at the level ( W/P ) 0 which cleared the labour market .
6 If none of cc " or cc " or … existed , then if e happened , cc would still have existed even if any change x had occurred consistent with e and cc .
7 That is to say , roughly , that if the effect occurred , and no other causal circumstance for it but one existed , that one would still have existed even if most other things had been different .
8 Had the defendant been found not liable in Baker , the plaintiff would still have remained uncompensated for his original injuries .
9 More realistic was the US Air Technical Intelligence Unit evaluation of 466mph , which would still have given the Shinden the edge over most US fighters .
10 America yielded first place despite its exports rising 8.5% in volume terms , compared with a rise of only 1.5% for Germany ; and it would still have done so even if unification , which added $22.5 billion to the exports of the former Federal Republic , had never happened .
11 he would still have done nothing ?
12 Though the weapons and equipment are constantly modernised ( the Micks got the new design of helmets two years ago , the new rifles last year , and we are due the new webbing next year ) , Napoleon 's generals would still have recognised the discipline and aggression , as would the Kaiser 's , and Hitler 's .
13 Even had Rose been wearing his blazer and flannels and not changed into more sober attire , Naseby would still have recognised that face .
14 Though beginning to go out of fashion in Richard 's time , many of his soldiers would still have worn it .
15 If our dieter had done this she would still have achieved what she set out to achieve within her dieting year .
16 The competitive weakness of the British economy was truly overdetermined : even if the financial institutions had been more disposed towards promoting industrial investment , even if managements had been more competent and imaginative , the restructuring of industry would still have run up against the formidable defensive conservatism of the organised working class .
17 I have seen them leaving Stronsay after a dance and you would still have heard them singing when they reached Papay .
18 The reason why Henry 's belief that McEnroe is this year 's champion was too lucky or too luckily true to count as knowledge is that his route to this lucky truth was such that even if it had been false , he would still have ended up believing it .
19 Broadly , if the courts believe the authority would still have granted the consent if they had known that they could not have imposed the condition in question , the permission stands without the offending condition , but if the answer is that they probably would not , then the permission itself falls .
20 This point helps to explain why there do not appear to have been many actual dismissals for pilferage ( we assume that we would have been told if there had been an abnormally high incidence of these ) , but we would still have expected there to be some if pilferage has been common , particularly since store security is not under Fred 's control .
21 It is thus false that if certain other things had happened , although we got yesterday , we would still have got last night .
22 If or since we had the solar conditions , even if certain other things had happened , we would still have got last night .
23 He would not , I am sure , have understood the significance of the convolvulus ; or , if he had made any effort , he would still have got it wrong .
24 Somebody calculated that if the surface of the earth was covered with a layer of protein molecules a metre thick , right over the whole surface of the earth erm each one , each protein different from every other one , and let us suppose furthermore that each of these proteins had been changing once as second , uniquely , into some different kind ever since the formation of the earth , we would still have tried out only quite a small fraction of the available possible proteins a hundred amino acids long .
25 ‘ Not until I took control of her affairs — and , in any case , I would still have looked after her — ’
26 Whatever the views of the predominantly middle-aged critics had been — and they were mostly favourable — audiences in their teens and early twenties would still have found the film out and responded to it .
27 AD 620 there were rare English imitations of Frankish coin , but despite any possible tendency for this coin to become currency , it would still have found its greatest use for high-value transactions and storage .
28 All this , you might say , was Nerina 's fault — if only it was not clear to me that Nerina was the symptom , not the disease : the pustule , not the pox : that to this end , without need of her intervention , all would still have come .
29 They 'd cut slightly beyond what had been allowed but the report afterwards said the roof would still have come down .
30 Gloucester 's possession of the northern Neville lands meant that if Edward had withdrawn his favour the duke 's power would have been much reduced , but he would still have had a following .
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