Example sentences of "would be with [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Of course being nervous he often drank a little too much , so that when he finally looked up at the end of the night it would be with something like desperation , a fear that no one was going to ask him to leave with them ; but the way he looked at you also meant that you knew he would never say no , if you did ask .
2 Mr McQueen , who would be with them for some weeks , was accompanied by one of the Macleods of Raasay to pilot them , Malcolm Macleod , aged sixty-two .
3 For one moment she thought what fun it would be with them all .
4 True , Travis Hepwood , Rosemary 's secret boyfriend , would be with them too , but since Leith liked Travis very much , and felt sorry for the two of them , entertaining Travis as well was no problem .
5 At Bethel , the place of the vision of the stairway to heaven , God promised him that he would be with him , that he would keep him wherever he went , that he would bring him back to the Land , and would not leave him .
6 They would be with him in no time .
7 Rogal Dorn 's grace would be with him .
8 The barman smiled back and told Whitlock he would be with him shortly .
9 Only a few hours and she would be with him again .
10 Another servant entered , a young page who announced in a high , shrill voice that the duke had received Sir John 's message and would be with him as soon as dignity and circumstances would allow .
11 Daly would be with him but for a paperwork problem , and is in Harrogate Town where Frank Gray is manager now .
12 I arranged with Dick that w Bill would be with him for two two and a half hours .
13 This whole thing was a nightmare , a sea monster inextricably wrapped around her limbs which would be with her until the day she died .
14 It dawned on him that he had not had a date for weeks , and his first one would be with her at the Edwardian Ball .
15 Tonight he would be with her .
16 It was about time she stopped feeling sorry for herself , the hurt and pain of losing mam would be with her for a long time , but Hari knew she could not let her grief incapacitate her , if she did not mend and make shoes she did not eat .
17 Last night 's humiliating episode would be with her for a very long time .
18 He would be with her .
19 If only he knew that no man could give her what he had — thirteen frantic days of excitement and sensuality that would be with her for the rest of her life .
20 Still , Miguel would be with her .
21 They would be with me for four days in July .
22 Much more scared by yourself than you would be with me .
23 ‘ Ach — I was sure he would be with you — we could have taken our own time then .
24 I suffered agonies of suspense in silence , for I never knew when or where I would see you again , or whether she would be with you .
25 I was told Tao Chu would be with you . ’
26 ‘ Milton 's sympathies would be with you , Albé :
27 We I agreed with Dick well we both agreed that Bill would be with you and we 'd sort out Jack .
28 Er , who would be with you then Freda or something ?
29 and luckily that the , the song that we did was funny and so people enjoyed it , but they did n't understand it and they did n't have a visual image of the artist 's work , so I now have to take erm a couple of pictures , er prints with me if ever were going to read it and we sing those songs but not everybody does , and then they do become excessible you know , they can see , you know , that erm , yes erm if it , if I was going to publish a book of poem I , it would have to be stated that this related to this picture and presumably it 'd have to be , it would be with it , with it
30 ‘ I remember one journalist went on about her black dress from Yves Saint Laurent at the wedding , and how I wore cords , as if they were shocked that Catherine Deneuve would be with someone like me .
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