Example sentences of "would be [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 It has been suggested ( Knuth 1969 , pp. 199–201 ) that testing for floating.point zero is not appropriate , and that a more suitable test would be for any value in a small range about zero , the size of which could be set by the programmer .
2 I was made sorry for her at first , as I would be for any young girl , crippled — it is hinted by the cruelty of her husband — and a mother , but even at the beginning there is a niggling doubt that she is rather superficial and shallow .
3 He was attracted to her , as any red-blooded male would be to any presentable woman in these circumstances , but that was as far as it went and it was up to her to make sure her own feelings did n't betray her .
4 But he rather doubted , he said , glancing around mordantly , that shamanistic powers would be of any interest to such a gathering .
5 ‘ I do n't think a change of manager would be of any benefit to Crystal Palace .
6 Neither her mother nor her father would be of any use at all .
7 ‘ She does mostly ladies ’ slippers , ’ Emily said , ‘ I do n't think she would be of any use to you . ’
8 During the course of negotiating the sale of some etchings by his friend J. E. Laboureur to Byard , a director of Heinemann 's , Boulestin asked if a cookery book would be of any interest at that moment .
9 Whilst this decision has been criticised as a " narrow " interpretation of the law ( ibid ) , our examination of the nature of casual working and the characteristics of the casual labour force in the hotels and catering sector raises the question of whether according casual workers employee status , and thus bringing them within the coverage of employment protection legislation , would be of any great relevance .
10 Both texts then seem to abandon the question of what Matroc 's competitors do and move on to consider the types of customer in the market place and whether the brochure would be of any value to them .
11 ‘ And you consider that only a psychiatrist 's opinion would be of any value ? ’
12 In the case of the database project , it is doubtful that the machine-readable data would be of any use whatsoever .
13 The incident 's being regarded as an opportunist theft and it 's unlikely anything taken would be of any use to a drug abuser .
14 But that did not mean that the ethos of a Roman catholic state would be in any way diminished , only that the form of political religious power would be different .
15 I do not think that anyone attempting to classify the vertebrates would fail to recognize the Anura as a group , or that , presented with an adult vertebrate , one would be in any doubt as to whether or not it was an Anuran .
16 The war had interrupted and postponed many a career , J's amongst them , and he had three years ' university ahead of him before he would be in any position to marry .
17 It has been known , but parents who do such a thing are as disliked as they would be in any society , and such marriages are often barren .
18 Waiting briefly for the lift he told himself that he was no more involved than he would be in any other case .
19 The four circles are not presented as dealing with quite separate topics , such that to move from one to another would be in any sense a change of subject , but rather as four equally fundamental and interlocking dimensions of the same ground-motif that runs throughout : that Jesus Christ is the actualisation and realisation in time and history of God 's eternal decision to be God for and with man ; he is himself the everlasting covenant of God with us , and in that covenant the meaning and purpose of the created universe itself is contained ; and in him too lies the uncovering and overcoming of man 's estrangement from God by the divine ‘ No ! ’ of the cross which leads on to the ‘ Yes ! ’ of the resurrection .
20 His acceptance of the condition was made with an easy mind — he did n't feel that distributing a newspaper , even a banned one , would be considered a particularly heinous offence for a young girl , and anyway he could not imagine that he would be in any danger himself if he admitted knowledge of the basket 's contents .
21 I think that is an absolute fantasy and I think that it is er perhaps going too far in our denigration of members of local authorities to think their attitude towards their police force would be in any way changed , were some of the members to be appointed from a list which had been drawn up by the Home Secretary .
22 Clearly , business interests would be against any general proscription and particularly against strict liability , since then it ‘ would not be possible to know with any degree of certainty whether a proposed course of action was legal ’ ( Hopkins 1980b : 427 ) and that would deprive corporate executives of an essential precondition for entering or staying in the market , namely predictability .
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