Example sentences of "there must [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There must be capacity .
2 It goes without saying that once the primary structure has failed there must be provision for the failure to be detected by some means before the redundant structure itself is weakened by continuous flight loads .
3 There must be provision for changes necessary to keep the coverage of subjects adequate for new literature .
4 Likewise , there must be factors other than the diets themselves that cause them to fail .
5 He had thought , insofar as he had thought about it at all , that all prisons must be akin ; that there must be stone cells , barred windows , grilles , gaolers , other prisoners close by .
6 The coming struggle fills me with fear — there 'll be bloodshed , there must be bloodshed .
7 The inclusion of wild white clover , which is generally present in permanent pastures but does not thrive in a phosphate-deficient soil , is particularly important , and there is an old saying : ‘ There must be clover seed in those slag bags . ’
8 Gentlemen I 'm sure there must be questions .
9 Though the wider wrongs of intimidation and interference with trade by unlawful means may protect mere expectancies , there is no doubt that for the purposes of the tort we are now considering there must be interference with a subsisting contract between B and C. Hence if the contract allegedly broken proves to be void there is no tort .
10 While there may be wrongful interference with contract short of actual breach , there must be interference with performance of the contract .
11 There must be lights .
12 For there to be democracy , there must be accountability by those who govern to those who are governed .
13 There must be trust between you ! ’
14 Only after Dirac had predicted that there must be positrons as well as electrons ( verified in 1932 ) did he and others set out to see whether the charge and the mass of an electron can be derived from first principles .
15 There must be space underneath for the whey to drain .
16 There must be ISAs capable of reproducing the dominated classes of society .
17 Accordingly , using force without threat is robbery , only because there must be menaces in blackmail .
18 It means that there must be constant vigilance by the authorities ; it means that there must be methods of responding swiftly to alarm bells that may be rung either by staff or by children and that there must be alarm bells that can , in real life , be rung .
19 There must be change — and perhaps especially where the upper secondary system overlaps with further education .
20 If Hospital Trusts attract more staff and can determine their own pay rates , there must be concern about shortfall in other services .
21 There must be oodles of territory in Saxony and Thuringia that used to be owned by the East German government .
22 In other words there must be processes of recording and retrieval and the underlying mechanisms must be closely integrated with the mechanism of the store .
23 What is so damaging to the maintenance of educational standards is the perverse belief of the Secretary of State that to secure competition between the providers of education , there must be competition between the regulators .
24 If there must be compromise because people are divided about justice , then the compromise must be external , not internal ; it must be compromise about which scheme of justice to adopt rather than a compromised scheme of justice .
25 They interpret the studies as showing that not only are central details more likely to be attended to in the arousal condition , but that since even when only one eye fixation is permitted the same results occur , there must be differences in the processing of arousing material in addition to the original attentional effect .
26 you know , I mean , there must be compensation for something must n't there ?
27 I think there must be things I can do now , lucrative things , to get me out of this scene .
28 There must be things you need to know about Sleet . ’
29 It just ca n't be , be the , I mean if you think of all the , I mean like say you 've got a , a , a sort of er cockney expression for if he 's got syphilis might be something like you know Johnny Rotten 's kissed him or something you know , there must be things like that , you know , there must be loads of things like that .
30 I 'm sure there must be things that your institution would like your council to be doing but which your council is n't doing .
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