Example sentences of "there were [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There were all weeds growing among the plants they 're selling .
2 By contrast , they implied that the unprejudiced personally did not mind black people ( some of their best friends were black … ) ’ but there were all sons of other reasons , beyond their personal feelings , why regrettably it was better if there were no black people in Britain .
3 it was amazing really there were one young man there from er , er London polytechnic and he was a very arrogant young man , er and there were all kind of things came out
4 Admittedly , as the tour went on England did little to help their own cause , but there were all kinds of things workings against them .
5 There were all kinds of animals ; there was a dog too . ’
6 There were all kinds of things like that , were n't there Keith ? ’
7 But Suzy said there were all kinds of awards young people could get , particularly if what they were doing was connected with conservation — I was really surprised .
8 There were all kinds of gold coins in the bag — big French gold coins , Spanish doubloons and pieces of eight .
9 There were all kinds of people staring in at us , and for a while Tod just stared stupidly back at them .
10 There were all kinds of problems : overcrowded classrooms , high drop-out rates , not enough girls going to school .
11 Oh , there were all kinds if things that could be done to make the visit memorable .
12 There were all sorts of different views of the future , but everyone had the same ideas about what was worth preserving .
13 There were all sorts of minor wins , for instance if you threw and your card laid perfectly along the edge of another without covering it , that was a ‘ touchee ’ .
14 There were all sorts that we dealt with in those days .
15 M. B. There were all sorts of people in the old Chinatown area .
16 There were all sorts of things going through my mind .
17 THERE were all sorts of celebrities at this year 's Hong Kong Sevens , ranging from Miss South Africa to Roger Moore .
18 There were all sorts of things going on with the WTA board , and I took a leadership position there .
19 Calculating your personal allowance used to be fairly complicated as there were all sorts of variations according to whether individuals were married or single and whether only one partner , or both husband and wife , worked .
20 There were all sorts of other processes that worked against the idea of a simple queue which managers needed to know about .
21 ‘ But there were all sorts of things there : salami , figs , even baked beans .
22 There were all sorts of other problems with Dalton 's atomic theory .
23 And there were all sorts of ways of taking money away from the wealthy and stupid .
24 But erm no we there were , there were all sorts er there was , they used to come in of course from the country .
25 and erm there were all sorts of funny stories and erm some of them not quite so funny about erm the way that the children and erm mothers from Dagenham came by sea and landed at , at Felixstowe
26 erm , then there were all sorts of odds and ends which I think very largely were erm the result of Mr wanting to erm build up a name for his Suffolk doing rather more than perhaps some other Authorities
27 Erm so that erm there were all sorts of erm little by- products from the agriculture and library and that sort of thing that er we had to erm deal with .
28 erm failed to pay up it erm , there were all sorts of circumstances which erm made it difficult for the student or difficult for the student or there were certain students of course who just erm tried to avoid paying altogether
29 and er we moved over there because erm the Department was splitting at the seams really , because immediately there was erm , the war was over and there were all sorts of plans for erm for development and that sort of thing and erm as I 've already mentioned there were two , only two graduates in the whole of the Education Department who was Mr and er his Personal Assistant and erm then after the war there were three graduates appointed , all of them from erm , ex service men , there was Arthur who was erm Lieutenant Commander in the Navy , there was erm Bud , I ca n't remember his Christ proper christian name .
30 and it 's be it 's been a very fascinating job because in the course of the years , obviously one has met erm , parents and students and lecturers and erm university tutors we 've got to know quite well because erm there were all sorts of problems as you probably know with
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