Example sentences of "there had been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But there had been unsuccessful sides in the past that had been packed with outstanding individuals who had not coalesced , or been moulded , into a good team .
2 There had been unsuccessful attempts even further south ; the unfortunate Raleigh got himself out of the Tower by promising to find James 1 a supply of gold in Guiana , but he found no gold and he irritated the Spanish so much that they pushed James into having him executed in 1618 on the 1604 charge of treason .
3 There had been unconfirmed or impracticable offers from the President of Honduras , from an American philanthropist , even from a quarantine station in the Panama Canal Zone ; the ship steamed on .
4 In my village there had been historic upheaval over such questions as whether it was right that hymns should be sung in the House of God .
5 Although there had been countless works already produced on the European theme , it was a subject that Gould realised would be forever popular among the amateur naturalists and bird-fanciers of Britain .
6 In statements issued on July 16 the Foreign Ministers of Egypt , Kuwait and Saudi Arabia stressed that there had been total agreement on the articles of the Damascus Declaration notwithstanding some " minor amendments " .
7 To dismiss this comment simply as Bridgeman being a poacher turned gamekeeper would be to miss the point , which is that the war had allowed the Conservatives to become gamekeepers again , whereas from 1902 to 1914 there had been genuine concern that they might be permanently banished from the estates of power .
8 There had been genuine fear on some of those people 's faces when she had mentioned Martin 's name , a fear she could appreciate after what had happened to her last night , but it had n't shaken her determination to get to the bottom of the story .
9 There had been strong opposition to the scheme from the national park authority , Cumbria County Council , English Nature and the Council for National Parks .
10 There had been strong anti-JNA feeling in Slovenia since the notorious 1988 trial of journalists and a warrant officer accused of illegally disclosing secret plans for a military clampdown against Slovene liberals [ see pp. 36374 ; 36663 ] .
11 Thus on one side there had been complete effacement of party activities , while on the other they ran forward unresisted .
12 There was , however , this to be said : there had been political involvement under Miall in the 1840s but this had been to achieve a narrow , sectarian goal — disestablishment .
13 There had been one or two prospective buyers , pushing their way through the tall weeds , with papers describing the property 's charms in their hands , but the general neglect seemed to dishearten them .
14 There had been one or two religious groups in school , I remembered , but I had n't belonged to any of them and I was fairly sure Alec had n't either .
15 I 'd sort of missed the music of the band I once knew , so maybe there had been one hippy in attendance , after all …
16 From that date , certain tram and trolleybus depôts and bus garages were renamed , in cases where there had been one of each bearing the same name .
17 There had been one other complication .
18 Hank must have done a robbery to have so much money — he must have — there had been one or two bad ones recently — a Chinese grocer had been shot to death , in one instance .
19 The LAS admitted yesterday there had been one case of a 25-minute delay in sending an ambulance .
20 All UNACO operatives were allowed to choose their own handguns and , although he had initially used a Colt .45 , there had been one main reason for his converting to the Beretta : its magazine capacity fifteen rounds as opposed to the Colt 's seven .
21 Where among the fathers there had been one representative each of gamekeeper , watchman , pilot , none of these trades was represented among the husbands : instead there were one each of policeman , teacher , minister of religion , prison warder and two farmers : occupations entirely absent from the list of fathers .
22 There had been one flare-up .
23 Where there had been one figure faintly outlined in the frame of the staging there were now two — one large , obviously Jotan , and one much smaller , a child Alexei thought until he saw the muscular build and shortened legs and realised that Jotan had caught a dwarf .
24 There had been one or two Earth stories of how warriors going into battle had gone shoulder to shoulder , which had always seemed a rather odd expression , but which suddenly made sense .
25 Erm there had been one or two occasions where we have to be the management if you like , and say , No I 'm sorry , that is what we are doing .
26 In 1871 there were three Discourses having some connection with military topics , whereas in 1870 there had been one ; in 1872 there was one , and in 1873 none again .
27 There had been other stresses too , and we felt that our first job was one of reassurance .
28 At times there had been other options .
29 He asked whether there had been other policemen in the forest .
30 Prior to Dinh 's visit there had been other indications that relations were improving ; the Vietnamese , for instance , had allowed the family of top-level Vietnamese defector Hoang Van Hoan to visit him in Beijing [ see p. 29876 for Hoan 's defection in 1979 ] .
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