Example sentences of "there is [not/n't] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There is not better introduction to discovering the Classical Masterpieces than through the ‘ Great Classical Collection ’ Club .
2 THERE is not better way to underline the problems of distance and climate that are a unique hallmark of the game in Canada than … talking to Canadian RU executive director John Billingsley who mentioned his Ottawa lawn had been deep in snow for more than three months — in Vancouver I was about to bring out the mower for the third time in a garden bright with spring blossoms .
3 However , gravel does stick to muddy boots , and weeds seem to be able to grow through it , even where there is not real soil to support them .
4 As far as I understand there is not real move to do anything about the current trend for teams to kick the ball from 22 to 22 .
5 My experience has been that for many people there is not all that difference between bringing ‘ God ’ in and touching wood .
6 In truth , there is not one cultural text , but a multiplicity of them , both concentric and overlapping .
7 There is not a suggestion that one of these missiles were returned ; there is not one suggestion which can be made by anybody , no matter how evilly disposed he is to the organizer of the procession or to the purpose of the procession , that any violence was offered by a member of that procession .
8 In the 1870s R. F. Horton 's father , himself a Congregational minister , refused to let his son enter a Congregational college because , he wrote , ‘ there is not one of them fit for you to enter .
9 Although they recognize the specialty of dermato-venereology in Luxembourg , there is not one single clinic in the Grand Duchy .
10 There is not one particular legal rule for each situation which arises or may arise .
11 ‘ Cornwall is the Cornucopia , the compleate and repleate Horne of Abundence , for high churlish Hills and affable courteous people : they are loving to requite a kindness , placable to remit a wrong , and hardy to retort injuries ; the country hath its share of huge stones , mighty rocks , noble , free Gentlemen , bountiful housekeepers , strong and stout men … handsome , beautiful women and ( for all that I know ) there is not one Cornish Cuckold to be found in the whole county .
12 With Richter , one is left with the impression that there is not one single note ( whatever the rate at which it might emerge ) which is n't absolutely essential to the overall design , and there are pitifully few Liszt performances of which that can truthfully be said !
13 There is not one boundary but many , varying in kind and degree of openness , each , perhaps , calling forth different competences and drawing upon different resources .
14 So that I can go through my designs and make quite certain that there is not one collar , not one cuff detail , not the slightest influence that they could accuse me of copying from them .
15 Between 1871 and 1907 there is not one recorded case of a Prussian Pole being convicted of treason or anti-state activity .
16 ‘ As I know myself to be entirely English … ’ she told Parliament in March 1702 , three days after her accession , ‘ there is not one thing you can expect or desire of me which I shall not be ready to do for the happiness or prosperity of England . ’
17 There is not one person ( including extras ) in the movie who is not a ‘ character ’ .
18 He said : ‘ There is not one club in Britain that can be compared to this one — the trouble is people in England just do n't realise that .
19 Many techniques are available with acrylic paints , so there is not one type of brush suitable for all acrylic techniques .
20 This implies there is not one single corner of our lives in which Jesus does not have an interest .
21 that there is not one single audience but different audiences for mass communication .
22 There is not one form of adult status but a hierarchy which reflects the way in which society values different groups .
23 Althusser 's entire , and necessary , critique of the ‘ Hegelian ’ concept of history and of the notion of an expressive totality , etc. , aims at showing that there is not one single history , a general history , but rather histories different in their type , rhythm , mode of inscription — intervallic , differentiated histories .
24 There is not one of the erroneous and superstitious beliefs of mankind that are supposed to have been superseded but has left vestiges at the present day in the lower strata of civilized peoples or even in the highest strata of cultivated society .
25 According to Fitzgerald and Sim ‘ there is not one crisis , rather a whole series , which taken together account for the parlous state of the prisons ’ ( 1992 : 5 ) .
26 There is not one night I have not fallen asleep wishing that I were free to ask you to marry me .
27 And if I speak a bit plain … just think of me as the woman who gave up everything to save you girls from their worst dangers Dear sisters there is not one of us ladies … who wo n't tell you that we have learnt our most precious lessons of faith … and patience , and self-sacrifice and contentedness under trials from you .
28 Because those debts are not shown in any balance sheet of central government ( there is not one ) and also because the balance sheets have a history of restructuring and debt write-off , maintaining capital in accounting terms has become progressively less realistic .
29 There is not one fragment of Panaetius dealing with political matters ; and what Cicero derived in his Dc officiis from Panaetius ' Peri Kathekonzos ( Cic. ad Atticum 16.11.4 ; De officiis 3.2.7–10 ) has no bearing on conquest or provincial government .
30 He warned that " there is not one example of a grouping of nations which has survived on the basis of intergovernmental co-operation " .
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