Example sentences of "there could be a " in BNC.

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1 This event would presumably precede the potentials being recorded and it could provide an explanation for the apparent referral back in time in the first set of experiments , although it does seem electrophysiologically unlikely that there could be a neural change happening sufficiently early after the triggering stimulus .
2 For ornamental carving and small sculpture , there could be a wider range of smaller tools 10mm and under .
3 In a tighter advertising market there could be a fall out among smaller and private agencies .
4 He said that support for the opposition was growing , but many were still afraid — not surprisingly , as opposition leaders have already had officially-inspired warnings that , when the weekend 's official jubilation is over , there could be a new clampdown .
5 Dr Nick Barr , senior lecturer in economics at the LSE and co-author of the alternative scheme , said : ‘ It 's very fragile , and there could be a repeat of the New Zealand situation where the banks simply changed their minds , refused to take part , and scuppered the scheme there . ’
6 His remarks were seen as a sign that the community accepts that there could be a 20- or even 22-member organisation by the end of the 1990s .
7 Firstly , there could be a tendency to go for the ‘ lowest skill ’ option in the selection of new technology , in order to reduce training costs and to ensure that existing employees can cope .
8 ‘ The feeling in the market is that there could be a good trade figure in store , ’ Mr Shepperd said .
9 Without wanting to appear too sanguine , and without trivializing the persistent phenomenon of right-wing extremism and the need to maintain vigilance against it , the full realization of the responsibility which Hitler bears for the untold agonies suffered by millions has so discredited everything he stood for in the eyes of sane persons everywhere that , except in circumstances beyond the scope of our realistic imagination , it is difficult to see that there could be a resurrection or a new variant of the once-mighty ‘ Hitler myth ’ , with its power to capture the imagination of millions .
10 They currently co-operate well on an informal basis but there could be a case for a more formal liaison such as was seen in Germany .
11 The horse could shy and there could be a fatal accident .
12 By 1920 , there could be a pause for breath , an attempt to remember what the meaning of the revolution was supposed to be .
13 There could be a need to check forensic evidence , for example , or to prevent a suspect absconding , or to travel to a far-away police station where the investigation was being conducted , and any of these could take more than a day .
14 Whatever the merits of the arguments against Mr Soley 's proposal for a Select Committee in place of the Commissioner , they are much less convincing when applied to the more modest proposal put forward at the time by the SDP that there could be a Select Committee confining itself to the Commissioner 's report ‘ so that in turn it would report and give some reality to parliamentary accountability ’ .
15 Gauguin , in his evocations of life in Tahiti , was the first to show that there could be a completely different culture — more sensual , less strait-laced — more fitting to the beach .
16 Apparently he got to hear about a particularly tricky deal prepared by three Japanese whaling companies to come with quota proposals , and he knew that one of the companies was taking a very different view from the other two , and he hoped that there could be a divide-and-rule situation set up .
17 It is also said that the Vikings introduced the finchback characteristic to Normandy in the ninth or tenth century and , according to a detailed history of the Gloucester breed by Adam Stout , there could be a common ancestry with the finchbacked Longhorn of Lancashire through Scandinavian cattle brought to Shetland , Ireland and Lancashire by the Vikings .
18 There could be a horse grazing in the field , but not the purple Chagall donkey .
19 We fixed our first session for the following week , and with a little planning there could be a further session before I went back to Bristol for my first day return since being a resident .
20 Or there could be a spontaneous mass eruption .
21 From the point of view of the school or college there could be a number of more or less tangible advantages .
22 Remember there could be a medical reason for frequency .
23 After that , there could be a gap of at least three years during which the European nations will play no part in satellite meteorology .
24 A later chapter in this book suggests that there could be a ‘ religious ’ purpose to conflict , but it would be directed against crime organised on a global scale , and as defined in that chapter .
25 The fishermen understood what she meant , that there could be a capsize if they put to sea , but they laughed at her , thinking she had mental hallucinations and put out to sea — at that time in calm conditions .
26 With the runny nose there could be a problem with the sinuses or the pony may be a catarrh sufferer .
27 Next day there could be a grand concert , details of which will be released later .
28 There could be a touch of frost — sounds are carrying clearly . ’
29 Yet there could be a hindrance to analogizing birds with large dinosaurs because of the question of size ( the smaller dinosaurs present an intractable problem ) .
30 The show is advanced so sluggishly and episodically that , apart from first and last reels , there could be a mix-up in reels without much comment . ’
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