Example sentences of "there be [num] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 There are one and two bedroomed apartments , both with sofa bed accommodation in the spacious lounge .
2 Although it is mostly made up of perennial plants which will come up fresh in spring , there are one or two evergreen shrubs added for structure : an upright rosemary and a couple of spiky yuccas .
3 I have often noticed that in any flock of genuinely free-range chickens there are one or two high-layers : that is , birds which seek out nesting sites in elevated positions , on inaccessible window-ledges or the tops of bale-stacks .
4 She does n't take any rubbish and there are one or two others like her .
5 Possibly , there are one or two apparent links between Miller and myself which I have not yet tackled , but most of these are mere trimmings , minor coincidences , or the accidental pen droppings , as it were , of an already admitted indolence so far as ‘ research ’ on unimportant detail is concerned .
6 There are one or two magnificent examples coming on to the market .
7 There are one or two feeding problems with the infant , and I ca n't delegate until they 're ironed out . ’
8 Again , like teachers , there are one or two honest coppers , but in general they nick you for things you have not done or give you a sound slapping to make you remember them .
9 Of course , there are one or two exceptions to the no talking or moving yourself ‘ rule ’ : do speak up if something your partner is doing is hurting , or if you feel cold or uncomfortable in any way .
10 There are one or two things . ’
11 Breeding is confined to Ashdown Forest , where up to six pairs have bred recently , and one area of north-west Sussex , where there are one or two pairs .
12 There are one or two we could do without , but that 's always the case !
13 Most beginners , for whom the book is presumably intended , will find this useful , although there are one or two slips .
14 Among the Tories there are one or two rampant hindsighters who claim they knew what they were doing all along , and that the tax strategy was bound to pay off .
15 Broadly speaking , a man 's experience of grief when he loses his life-partner is similar to a woman 's ; but there are one or two important differences worth bearing in mind if you are caring for an elderly parent who has become a widower .
16 There are one or two things you can try , in order to remedy the situation , before you finally throw your air pump out of the bedroom window .
17 In fact , there are one or two other well-known names , besides Mortimer , who are Labour supporters : Anthony Howard and Alan Watkins , of the Observer , and Anthony Sampson .
18 The eight men , and there are one or two surprises , being monitored by the Italians are :
19 Moving on now to some of the other facilities and controls to be found on camcorders , there are one or two which deserve a mention here because of the way in which they speed up and simplify their operation .
20 You can have a lot of fun shooting city lights , but there are one or two points to watch out for if you are going to come away with some really effective shots .
21 There are one or two other important points to be borne in mind .
22 There are one or two passably funny lines which fail to make up a coherent , witty whole but are suddenly shot out from an invisible pea-shooter as if whipped from Ms Rudner 's stand-up routine .
23 There are one or two slight discrepancies in the article ; for example every crew I flew with operated with four Air Gunners , more than half the co-pilots flight sergeant air engineers , one of my skippers was a Flying Officer and I 'm sure that there were at least another four .
24 This is the way I have learned to use my machine and although there are one or two things I still do n't quite understand , I feel that with a bit of determination and the help of your articles I am getting there .
25 To design cards for this stitch type is no more difficult than for any other type of stitch pattern , but there are one or two rules that you need to obey .
26 But before we do , there are one or two more things that the Creation 6 program can do for us regarding visualising the actual knitted fabric and seeing how the design is treated by the console on receiving the computer information .
27 All the favourites are in there , although there are one or two surprising omissions which is understandable when one considers that he chose 30 from an original list of 79 .
28 Given the excellence of the cause which benefits from the sales of ‘ Ruby Trax ’ and the generosity of the artists etc , etc , it would be churlish of me to rubbish individual tracks — although there are one or two here which have tempted me sorely — so I will pick out some highlights for you .
29 Exceptionally , there are one or two types of investment where the money is paid to you gross — without the basic rate tax deducted .
30 Without wishing to get too involved in technicalities , it is worth explaining that a fail-safe structure is one in which there are one or more pieces of redundant structure ( i.e. not subject to loading in normal flight ) which are capable of carrying the flight loads in the event of a failure of the primary load bearing structure .
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