Example sentences of "there be [adj] who " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Henry refused the drug treatment given to reduce the chances of a relapse , but there are many who would remain well without it , Dr Slevin said .
2 And there are many who think that is what will happen .
3 There are many who believe they are not , including many in the profession .
4 There are many who would gloss over their less successful moments , possum , but I do n't .
5 The relation between teachers and their pupils will change , and there are many who will regret the end of a kind of understanding and friendliness that can make teaching itself both easier and more rewarding .
6 Perhaps , among the 75 per cent who may have heard of the CAB but have never sought assistance , there are many who would come to a bureau if they could .
7 While there are many who would argue that a measure of technical knowledge is desirable in those who use a GIS and a protection against the misuse of a powerful tool , it must now be established that maximum ‘ achievable ’ use of a software system owes much to the creation of a structured use environment , with logic controls built into the interface .
8 There are many who arrive actually on their 60th birthday , asking us to find them a job because they have no intention of retiring .
9 There are many who are surprised to discover that the words you see before you have been brought to you with little electronic influence beyond that which goes on within the brains of the writer and reader .
10 Although most fat people simply eat too much by normal standards , there are many who are equally gluttonous but remain thin , and some fat people remain fat in spite of eating much less than normal .
11 At the other extreme , there are many who have lost contact almost completely with their grandchildren following the death , or divorce and remarriage , of one of the parents .
12 Admittedly , it does seem that whilst there are many Jews and others whose unquestioning acceptance of the Old Testament as a source of irrefutable knowledge remains absolute , there are many who seriously doubt the wisdom of insisting on this literal translation of those scriptures .
13 However , there are many who want an entertainer , either to do a one-hour spot or to organize the games , so the parents have very little responsibility apart from sorting out the room , sending out the invitations , and organizing the food .
14 In the health service , job evaluation systems already cover ancillary , administrative and technical staff , but in nursing , where Whitley pay and conditions of service have long been established and clinical grading is now under way , there are many who think job evaluation is unnecessary .
15 On this the last word must be Solzhenitsyn 's : ‘ There are many who are aware that communism is an evil and menace to the world , but who have nevertheless failed to grasp its implacable nature …
16 There are many who believe that the NHS , by providing care free at the point of use , is facing an impossible task in which demand can never be satisfied .
17 Fortunately for frail elderly people , there are many who offer altruistic neighbouring acts , that is to say , they are done without assumptions of reciprocity ; the gratification which they obtain is in a sense their own private business !
18 His last message read : ‘ There are many who believe this disease is God 's vengeance .
19 There are many who dislike the idea of a front-rower calling the shots because the role of their position demands their heads to be down more than up .
20 Controversy has always surrounded the Minoans ' bull-leaping exploits , and there are many who are sceptical that they ever took place .
21 There are many who would not like to see this thing progress . ’
22 There are many who have suffered personal disaster and whose livelihoods have been destroyed by natural catastrophe or invasion .
23 While the consultation paper claims that ‘ the legislation should leave full scope for professional judgement ’ and while it insists that the law will provide a framework , ‘ not a straitjacket ’ , there are many who will see the legislation as the culmination of a strategy to whip teachers into line .
24 There are many who will never forget that sad time but now the East Lindsey coastline has a happy atmosphere ; sometimes throbbing with the joy of summer seaside thrills but more constantly pulsating gently in natural tranquility , .
25 There are many who have already started to vote , or will be doing so for the first time soon , with no first-hand experience of what Labour governments were like .
26 Ideas and opinions about women 's issues and the degree of priority they should be given at this stage vary considerably , but it is more than apparent that there are many who now believe that a new society would be incomplete without changes in women 's position .
27 " Nevertheless , " put in Sir Gregory 's youngest son Amyas , tapping the tips of his slender fingers lightly together , " there are many who believe that the day will come when the prophecy of Regiomontanus will be fulfilled . "
28 There are many who require not only the further enhancement of their musical skills , but also some training in liturgy and theology .
29 There are many who do as you say . ’
30 There are many who will conclude that , by a slim margin ’ , the arguments for war are stronger , ‘ even if it is conducted by an unsavoury set of powerful states ’ .
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