Example sentences of "there be a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Every arms merchant worth his salt is now ready to re-arm the Gulf after the war , and never has there been a greater abundance of lethal hardware to choose from .
2 Nowhere has there been a greater example of ordinary men and women witnessing to their faith by their service to the neighbourhood .
3 Had there been a genuine sense of Arabism during the post-war period , Aziz went on , then the Gulf States would not only have cancelled Iraq 's debts , but would also have organized a comprehensive Iraqi reconstruction plan .
4 There has certainly been a shift in the sectoral pattern of employment , but has there been a parallel shift in labour from manufacturing to services ?
5 During the 1980s rural populations have grown more slowly then they did ten years earlier and some have declined ; in contrast not only has there been a substantial slowdown in the rate of London 's population decline ( Britton 1986 ) , but it has now gone into reverse in a small way .
6 It is just conceivable that something like this might have happened had there been a Communist government in France .
7 Rarely has there been a franker admission of the rot at the heart of our ‘ Mother of Parliaments ’ .
8 Not only has there been a serious questioning of the principle of the licence fee , but there has also been a reassessment of the idea of scarcity in the airwaves , the idea of equality of service to all , and of the need for regulations .
9 On talking to parents , we were told that had there been a suitable provision in their own country they would not be in Budapest .
10 But in no Western country so far , other than in the years following the end of a war , has there been a major permanent reduction in the role of the state .
11 Only now has there been a concerted effort to abandon the tyranny of the object and the sickness of naturalism to enter within consciousness . ’
12 The " vast majority " of such attacks , however , had been committed by local groups based in Turkey , Greece , Lebanon and Peru , with no known links to Iraq ; in only one attack , in Manila on Jan. 19 [ see p. 37938 ] , had there been a direct connection with the Iraqi government .
13 Only in recent years has there been a sustained attempt by Marxist thinkers to re-examine in a thoroughgoing fashion the relation between the state , the economy and social classes , or to analyse that historical experience which reveals the emergence of a new type of authoritarian state from the revolutionary process itself or from the centralized control of a socialist economy .
14 One senior official of the European Commission said recently that , had there been a common Community defence policy , it would have committed forces to the Gulf .
15 ‘ Has there been a further message from them ? ’
16 Never before had there been so savage a fiscal squeeze ; not since the thirties had there been a comparable increase in unemployment , now approaching 3 million .
17 We can only speculate on what might have been had there been a full-hearted commitment to PR and a working agreement with the Lib Dems .
18 One stockbroking source said last night : ‘ There are a certain number of people who have already said : ‘ Listen , if I 'm going to get clobbered , I would rather be transferred , or maybe I could find someone else who can transfer me . ’
19 There are a certain number of tax barriers to selling UK unit trusts in the EC : ( Yearbook 1990 ) .
20 There 's a thing , because there are a terrible lot of things I do n't like at all of Picasso 's for instance , his versions of ‘ Las Meniñas ’ .
21 There are a hundred different ways of evaluating every piece of intelligence gathered so it is not hard to come to the wrong conclusions .
22 You must remember that to every ten real connoisseurs there are a hundred ignoramuses .
23 This is the way I know , and it is the only way I can write about but there are a hundred other ways to release and a hundred other ways for every intellect .
24 There are a hundred assassins lurking in the bushes , Prime Minister .
25 Possibilities in Pastel there are a hundred vital values to work from
26 there are a hundred vital values to work from , each one offering a distinctive hue and supported by Faber-Castell 's guarantee of lasting colour brilliance .
27 Convinced , like the even more outspoken Gustave Le Bon , that ‘ Out of a hundred Hindus educated in English schools , there are a hundred who are irreconcilable enemies of British power ’ and that the export of democratic institutions would simply be a form of national suicide , for Harmand it was the lesson of Santo Domingo that counted : the Caribbean negro slave revolt of 1795 which , ten years later , led to the surrender of a French army .
28 For every French regional dish of international repute there are a hundred comparatively unknown , equally interesting and more easily adaptable to differing conditions .
29 There are a hundred and seventy thousand people in Scotland who qualify for income support , whether they get it or not is not the point , but that 's the size of the problem .
30 There are a hundred ways a firm can get rid of pollution into the river , ’ said an experienced officer , ‘ so long as they do it at the right time . ’
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