Example sentences of "would [adv] have [det] " in BNC.

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1 So to get back to what we say er yeah I like to fix a date and if people phone up and say well look I 've I 've got something else or I 've changed my mind I would rather have that than to have lots of paper work on my desk that just says may be or may be not .
2 But that means nothing to the army of unemployed and to threatened companies which would rather have any work than none , or to politicians caught up in righteous anger at ‘ unfair ’ competition .
3 If the Church would only have more faith in Carey and the wise words of moral guidance that he offers perhaps more of us would have faith in the Church .
4 They would obviously have some idea from the appeal hearing it itself but since they have to put all of their reasons for their request in writing the very least I believe they should be able to have is a reasoned reply .
5 You have done excellent work , and without you I would not have all the important details I needed . ’
6 Had to satisfy that desire , he wrote , yet find a way of doing so that would not have that physical effect on me .
7 He would be steady and sensible and considerate and would not have that rovin' gleam in his eye .
8 If you were to take a pencil and cross out every verse in the New Testament which refers to the resurrection or to the idea that Jesus Christ is alive , you would not have much of the New Testament left .
9 None of this suggested that the English would go forward to build up the most wide-ranging empire that the world had ever seen , and even if Hakluyt had added that the English had made some attempts to settle in North America and had organized themselves for trade in the East Indies he would not have much altered the case .
10 Conventional weapons would not have much of an offensive application in a world war in this era .
11 erm and certainly it would not have much retention .
12 If this was n't here we would have to practise for £7 an hour , so we would not have much money at the end of the week .
13 ‘ You would not have this clammy hand of conformity .
14 If people trained their dogs properly from the start we would not have these problems .
15 Barbel Bohley , a co-founder of the reformist discussion group New Forum , said the promise by the Politburo was ‘ only a verbal concession ’ which would not have any effect on real life .
16 One line shows what has happened to personal wealth divided by personal income : if wealth merely rose in line with incomes ( which would be represented by a flat wealth line on the graph ) , the theory would suggest that it would not have any independent influence on savings .
17 So I phone Automec to be told they had n't heard of Their product causing any such problem and as silicone is a lubricant , it would not have any adverse effect on rubber .
18 Or , to put it another way , changing the status of a job would not have any impact on the behaviour of its incumbents .
19 Without it , we would not have any conscious awareness .
20 Your grandmother would not have any demurring at meals .
21 The degree of pressure the Russians felt from Castro is indicated by the fact that in the course of this discussion Mikoian raised the possibility of the reciprocal inspection of territory ( ‘ and then we would not have any trouble with Castro on getting international inspection in Cuba ’ ) , and even mentioned Puerto Rico , although he can only have expected the immediately forthcoming flat refusal by the United States ( Memorandum to the Secretary of State from Mr McCloy , 25 November 1962 , US Declassified , 1985 , 002292 ) .
22 But in peacetime if the neutralisation were not accompanied by demilitarisation the states signing the treaty would not have any rights and obligations with respect to this territory .
23 ‘ The FA have indicated that they would not have any objection to there being no relegation this season .
24 Donnellan ( 1966 ) began by noting a distinction between two usages of definite descriptions ( inter alia , noun phrases in English with the determiner the ) : ( 18 ) The man drinking champagne is Lord Godolphin ( 19 ) The man who can lift this stone is stronger than an ox The first would most naturally have a referential use , where the description might in fact be wrong ( e.g. the man is actually drinking lemonade ) but the reference succeed in any case ; the second would most naturally have an attributive use where the speaker would not have any particular individual in mind ( we could paraphrase ( 19 ) as " whoever can lift this stone is stronger than an ox " ) .
25 ‘ Unlike son of Scottish Milk Board , Milk Marque is not our competitor and we would not have any problem with buying our milk through them . ’
26 Fate , it seemed , was determined that Nell and he would not have more time .
27 One of the babies ' mother even said that she would not have another child until my mum had a vacancy !
28 Father was convinced that his wife would not have enough to live on when he died and overworked to get money .
29 One word would not have enough activation to inhibit the activation of its competitor .
30 An expert appointed to resolve all disputes under a construction contract will need to be given the powers of an arbitrator to review certificates issued under the contract , because an expert would not have those powers any more than the court does , unless the parties agree : Northern Regional Health Authority v Derek Crouch Construction Co Ltd [ 1984 ] 1 QB 644 , and 8.4.3 .
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