Example sentences of "would [be] [adv prt] by " in BNC.

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1 Domestic consumption fell by 1 per dent ‘ whereas we thought it would be up by 1 per cent ’ said Dicks , and he reaffirmed his belief that ‘ recovery would have to come from domestic consumption ’ .
2 All the sex would be over by the time Gina came back .
3 Although not a single document had yet been approved , he hoped all would be over by Christmas 1963 , the 400th anniversary of the Council of Trent .
4 Most of her work would be over by now ; Dizzy was out of the way , and the party was running under its own momentum .
5 ‘ But today the situation took the pressure off me ; most people thought the game would be over by tonight .
6 Such people , in Clarke 's view , exhibit either a failure of nerve or of imagination , History is littered with examples of eminences who said such items as the aeroplane or the telephone were impossible , Yet Clarke himself demonstrates , unwittingly perhaps another well-known human maxim : if something can go wrong , it probably will , Thus in his 1962 edition , he predicts that nuclear rockets , translating machines and efficient energy storage devices would be around by 1970 .
7 Pinto confirmed that a prototype Alpha box would be around by the end of the year ( UX No 376 ) — other officials said the emergence of shrink-wrapped non-proprietary Unix environments — with the added incentive of Unix System Laboratories Inc 's Destiny and Microsoft Corp NT already scheduled for Alpha — will open up the workstation market sufficiently for it to stake a claim .
8 Talk was that it would be out by last autumn .
9 In view of the late notification by the Sports Council advising that our grant for the current year would be out by £7000 the Society 's Steering Group felt we should all make a concerted effort to raise this amount so that all schemes and administration could continue as planned for 1988 .
10 He would be back by midday , after four days away on his father 's business .
11 And we decided to get lots of copies for all our friends that we have n't seen for a long long time so I asked if they could do them for me but I thought they would be back by now , well they should of been back ages ago actually !
12 We , we actually thought Heidi would be back by now , she went to a , a slumber party .
13 That would mean the growth rate in employment would be down by between 1000 and 5000 jobs a year .
14 The programme also said profits would be down by about £200million on last year 's total of more than £1billion .
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