Example sentences of "would [verb] they in " in BNC.

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1 For example , Hungary , Poland and Romania were inserted into the upper-middle-income group , where their apparent per capita income scores would locate them in any case , whereas Angola , Cuba and North Korea were transplanted from lower-middle-income to nonreporting nonmembers .
2 The second argues more generally that since we have made mistakes , or would make them in imaginary similar circumstances , we do not know now .
3 The argument is that we or others have made mistakes in the past or would make them in circumstances which , so far as we can tell , are not relevantly different from our present circumstances .
4 A youth training fund would enable us to continue this scheme , not only with a view to employment , but enabling us to provide training and development of personal skills , which would benefit them in future employment or future education .
5 You would do them in physics .
6 They needed clothes that would not get torn in a fight , which would stay pressed and neat and which would identify them in a crowd .
7 People must believe that you 're such a tough shit you would snap them in half if they sneezed .
8 When Peel heard Lord John Russell 's introduction of the Bill on 1 March 1831 , he realised that where he had meant to divide the middle from the lower classes , the measure proposed by the Whigs would unite them in support of the new Government .
9 Conventional shellac records were very brittle ; only a few ounces of shear stress would crack them in half .
10 I would pen them in a corner and the job would be over in no time .
11 Also well worth a visit is the Casa do Turista , located behind the municipal theatre , where , laid out in rooms typical of a Madeiran quinta , you will see embroidery , table decorations , flower arrangements and ceramics , as you would use them in your own home .
12 In the mornings we would see them in the souk holding hands with strange men .
13 I would see them in Sweetmary every once in a while and they would most always be drunk .
14 She checked with her uncle that he would keep them in horse-feed , and he agreed , amused at her presumption .
15 Only an iron clasp , the steel hand of a ruthless king would keep them in check and create peace throughout the country .
16 In America they would keep them in a home until they were old enough to go into a jail
17 A second interpretation of the developments of the 1980s would set them in a longer context , dating back to the late 1960s .
18 But she would have those things for ever ; she would have them in her head , in her memories and her dreams , and no one could take that away from her .
19 About twenty minutes and the hurricane would have them in its grasp .
20 Now , that 's and example of functional group isomerism what I 'd like you to do now is to try and decide what these two things are called I 'm gon na put on the board and try and decide what you would call them in terms these general labels under structural isomerism .
21 Tina had felt let down , but knowing Bobby , he would tell them in his own good time what had happened .
22 Judges ought , when they are pre-reading a case , to be able to pick up the skeleton argument , and they ought actually to be able to start with the skeleton argument , which would tell them in very succinct form the background facts and what the points are .
23 Once she had written , another decision would have been taken , and he would tell them in the office that they were having a stab at Italy this year , he 'd managed to track down a villa in Tuscany .
24 Since paraprofessional social welfare personnel are an important resource for meeting people 's needs , one would assume that policy makers , social service administrators and professional social workers would view them in this light and would do what they could to support and develop this valuable resource .
25 It crashed around the mountain walls as if it would split them in two and she never heard the plane arrive .
26 On the north side of the bridge the Canal widens into a beautiful open stretch , lost on the far bank in a dense growth of reeds and sedges , a grand place for anglers and bird watchers — if the motorists and canal travellers would leave them in peace .
27 This autumn the House of Lords will be asked to give people a legal right to choose between life and death in advance of any injury or illness that would leave them in a ‘ permanent vegetative state ’ .
28 That would leave them in a worse position than they began , because all the T'ang can offer them is money .
29 I think er , I guess that any individual members would get them in their , erm journal .
30 Lastly , looking at the quality and depth of squads in terms of individual players , I would rate them in this order .
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