Example sentences of "would [verb] make [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And she did n't , could n't at that moment conceive of any reason , however remote , why he would want to make love to her .
2 She 'd half expected he would want to make love with her again , had felt her own body liquefy with musky desire for him .
3 They were also , for the most part , practising poets and men of letters , who would want to make judgements .
4 Though I suppose one has to make a passing one has to make a passing er reference to the information which has come out in the other house erm and be publicised this weekend in the press but er er at one million almost one million a slug , M E Ps do n't come cheap , er I suppose one however would want to make allowances for the fact that they have three parliamentary buildings , that they have to go on trips and that er they have to pay er er I suppose German rates for their bureaucracy so there clearly are exceptional factors and indeed I would n't want to make too much of that .
5 I should 've tidied up a bit — that would 've made Mr Jackson think I 'm grown up enough to look after myself , but it 's too late now .
6 A group of chandlers stood next to a long line of gutted pigs , arguing with their owner about the price of the fat which they would buy to make tallow candles .
7 It was assumed that a number of serving ministers from Hun Sen 's Cambodian People 's Party ( CPP , the new name chosen in October by what had been the Khmer People 's Revolutionary Party or KPRP ) would resign to make way for representatives of the monarchist Funcinpec Party led by Sihanouk 's son Norodom Ranaridh .
8 But when he asked to bring Bobby Hunt he was careful to explain why : ‘ He 's quite talented and would enjoy making drawings so enormously , as he never seems to get out of town : please do n't hesitate to say no if it would be akward [ sic ] , he 's only about eighteen and quite manageable , and we will bring some food … ’
9 For example , we have yet to explain why congruity with a verb 's bias has a bigger effect when it is paired with gender cue , since the availability of a gender cue would appear to make congruity a redundant cue .
10 Identify which items of equipment ( if any ) which OUP already owns you would expect to make use of .
11 It would begin to make industries accountable to consumers in a way that they patently are not at present ; the newly enfranchised shareholders would have the right to participate in elections to the board .
12 Well obviously one would like to make money rather than lose money erm I mean there 's the there are quite a few factors why erm Virgin er lost money last year er first of all you know we had er the very well publicized er dirty tricks campaign being waged against us .
13 ‘ My older son would like to make friends , too — he gets so bored and he is a bit jealous of the baby .
14 I would like to make progress , because the hon. Member for Birkenhead wishes to reply to the debate .
15 We would like to make parents , teachers and priests aware that God is working through them , that they all are important for the life of faith in our young people even if it is not clearly evident at times .
16 A gentleman in Birmingham would like to make contact with an ex-member of the R A F who he served with , his name is Dennis , and it was known that he lived in West Bridgeford Nottingham .
17 He is building a factory to make cigarettes and would like to make shoes , ice-cream , scent , vitamins and china .
18 NOTE : The Editors would like to make letters from Members a regular feature of the Journal - please let us have your views and comments on relevant railway topics .
19 During the small group discussions , most men confirmed that they would like to make love more often and that it is their partners who restrict how often it occurs .
20 You 've decided you would like to make love to me after all and what better way to do it than trying to win your way into my bed with flattery ? ’
21 Anyone who would like to make recommendations can do so by writing to the Department of the Environment at Room 11/20 , Tollgate House , Houlton Street , Bristol BS2 9DJ , quoting the reference APP/C/92/M1710/616168 .
22 Later , we will be looking at ways of expanding our vocabulary in adventurous ways , but for the moment I would like to make recommendations based on my observations over many years of student limitations , mainly in a diatonic field .
23 Yes , I would like to make ACET 's Home Care service and Education Programmes more widely available and enclose a donation of :
24 That is to say that no matter how much we are improving our performance , the associations have already beaten us to it and that , Mr Mayor , I would suggest is a very good case for transferring all our stock to housing associations and there is one final point I would like to make Mr Mayor .
25 At an awards ceremony at the Polytechnic of the South Bank in 1974 he castigated those people ‘ who would like to make polytechnics exactly like universities ’ , and who ignored the fact that the polytechnics had the distinctive feature of not only pursuing knowledge for its own sake , but also treating the acquisition of knowledge as ‘ never far removed from its application ’ — and constructing courses of study accordingly .
26 Now that we have a permanent place to meet we would like to start up a library as some folks can not afford to buy reading material so if you have any books that you have finished with or which are duplicates and would like to make room for new editions we will be happy to give them a good home where they will be used and appreciated .
27 The engine has done a genuine 25,000 miles so if possible I would like to make use of it .
28 We would like to make use of the tracks during a sequence in the programme where music is heard coming from a car radio .
29 We would like to make use of the tracks during a sequence in the programme where music is heard coming from a car radio .
30 We would like to make use of the tracks during a sequence in the programme where music is heard coming from a car radio .
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