Example sentences of "would [verb] away from " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , I would stay away from Brigade H.Q for the time being .
2 Often they would quarrel and he would stay away from the house for a while ; but he was never able to stay away for long .
3 When the children were older , Green took them out on longer walks , when he was painting or drawing in the hills , and occasionally took one of them on one of his excursions , when he would stay away from Ambleside for a week or more .
4 I hoped you would stay away from racing but it was in your blood .
5 If he could reach it and not drop anything … if the cat would stay away from his feet …
6 Imperceptibly the voluntary spirit would distil away from adult education …
7 But I did not foresee that she would run away from us both — that we would both lose her forever . ’
8 Despite his best efforts to concentrate power effectively within his own hands , the emphasis on local authority implicit in a system purporting to operate through the traditional rulers of a primitive country , which possessed nothing approaching a unitary state co-extensive with its official boundaries , inevitably meant that power would drain away from the centre towards the local administrator , who alone could claim the special knowledge of local conditions , and opportunity for intimate supervision , on which Indirect Rule implicitly depended .
9 A phase of tranquillity and knowledge , of acceptance and harmony , when jealousies and rivalries would drop away from them like dead leaves ?
10 ‘ I suppose there might be a day when I would move away from Australia as my permanent base , ’ she said .
11 Power would move away from the people , to a remote and opaque institution .
12 Thus opposing teeth would move away from one another as the jaws closed .
13 If you held on the forward stick , the nose down attitude would increase and the model would move away from you at ever increasing speed and things would rapidly develop into an uncontrollable situation for the novice .
14 Whatever the temptation to make films with what Robert Wagner called ‘ a strong sociological punch ’ there was never any danger that the studios would move away from what were regarded as the essentials of a Hollywood film .
15 In the related oyster drill Urosalpinx cinerea , Pratt ( 1967 ) found that a starved snail would move away from other starved individuals , but towards ones which had recently fed .
16 His mouth still quirked in the aftermath of his laughter , and she wished that he would move away from the top step so that she could pass him .
17 With such rapid production , it would be advantageous for a particular plant to do this as browsers would move away from branches near the wounded ones .
18 She would wriggle away from Sarah 's attention as soon as she could and hide in the garden .
19 ‘ We wondered if this new service would take away from our standard lipsticks , but actually what it has done is increase overall lipstick sales within the store .
20 The proposal would take away from Buckley , Penymynydd , Penyffordd , Mynydd Isa , Hope , Higher Kinnerton , and Drury , yet leave it Bryny-Baal .
21 This revolving of him in her mind led invariably to the same end , the same fear , that he would go away from Hilderbridge without her seeing him and then she would never see him again .
22 He is not impressed by the Prince because of who he is , but because of the man he is : because of his gift for talking to people , his tenacity and his courage in confronting problems that other men would shy away from .
23 And I think that he would shy away from scandal , it would ruin him socially also . ’
24 WORLDS APART Fergie and the Queen often rode together , but the troubled Duchess quickly found that her mother-in-law would shy away from anything too personal
25 Because in-kind transfers appear overly paternalistic , ‘ liberal ’ economists would shy away from such interference and constraints on the decisions of recipients .
26 She would get away from here as soon as the snow began to melt .
27 For a moment it seemed as if she would pull away from him , then she nodded , and , still weeping , allowed herself to be led away .
28 Something would attract her — a cloud , a flower , a fat lady on the street- and she would drift away from the track unthinkingly .
29 None of them was seen as capable of safely preparing a meal ; seven would wander away from home if not watched ; four were substantially incontinent ; five were thought to be at risk with gas or fires ; six were physically frail or had mobility difficulties .
30 Those were the words he spoke to her as she lay in his arms in the vulnerable moments following his pleasure when only a lout — in his opinion — would turn away from a woman without a word and go to sleep .
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