Example sentences of "would [verb] her a " in BNC.

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1 She could have , Lucinda realized , but they would think her a little mad if she did .
2 ‘ I would make her a long , single-breasted jacket with a nipped-in waist , long sleeves and a stand-up mandarin collar to keep out the cold .
3 Karen Young 's glamorous looks would make her a role model for actress Helen Mirren who tracked down a serial killer in the hit series .
4 Besides , jumping bail would make her a criminal .
5 I debated whether to call on him to kill him for his slanders before I came here to try to see her , and ask her to have me back — if you think I would make her a suitable husband , that is .
6 ‘ After classes I would buy her a drink and have a little chat about things .
7 But my mother 's image of my future had to be challenged : I was not to marry ; I would be her companion at all times in a perfect mother and daughter symbiosis ; with my teacher 's salary I would buy her a fridge and a washing machine and take care of her .
8 Sometimes the postman would bring her a strange soggy parcel , with no letter inside .
9 A brandy would do her a power of good , but she refuses .
10 She took a hansom cab , and left knowing he would send her a signal if he definitely required her help in the matter of a man.and woman presently residing in a house in a place called Newington Butts .
11 Well , Mrs Newton , as she is now , was fairly monosyllabic until I promised that the Daily News would send her a little present .
12 It was clearly to France 's advantage to advance her south-eastern frontier by the acquisition of Savoy and Nice , while the building of railways in the region would give her a strong economic and strategic position in northern and central Italy .
13 Knowing the mountains were there , Martha passed hours gazing upwards , waiting for a break in the curtain of vapour that would give her a view to the summit , her attention fixed at that mysterious level where the mist descended on the tree-tops and blotted out the perspective entirely .
14 She knew she was n't welcome in Hester 's house but Mrs Johnson would give her a bed for the night .
15 But in front of the other pupils Mother Francis had made an iron-hard rule that Eve must never be seen to do anything which would give her a different status .
16 It was to be the first in a long line of pay battles that would give her a reputation for being one of the toughest negotiators in the business .
17 I tell you , if she was out in Hollywood they would send her to one of those beauty farms , where they starve them and batter them about and knock them into shape ; then they would give her a plastic nose , or make the one she 's got more pointed , put false eyelashes on her , give her hair an expert cut , and walla ! she 'd be a sensation .
18 Topaz Chilcott would give her a sly looks She 'd been told by Tipper , who would n't leave the subject alone , that all tinkers were sly .
19 If Pickles really does love you , maybe the pater would give her a decent allowance and you 'd manage somehow .
20 She only had about fifty pence left from the money she had borrowed from her stepfather the day before , but she hoped that the young Italian barman , who fancied her , had not yet been sacked or moved on and would give her a margarita , free .
21 The power units would again be Paxmans , of later design than those of Venturous which would give her a speed of 15 knots .
22 Butch Beausoleil could live here in the nude and no one would give her a second glance .
23 After the man 's death he told Jeannie of his gift , and said he would give her a little at a time so she did n't drink the lot in one enormous spree .
24 Should she tell him yes , he had made her pregnant , and see if he would give her a guinea or two to put it right ?
25 ‘ But why must you go away , just when Corrie 's leaving me ? ’ her mother had asked when she 'd told her she had fixed up a job as a nanny with a family in the north which would give her a better chance of training as nursery nurse .
26 The morning would give her a different perspective on things .
27 He was working hard to complete a special project for Friday , and had already told her he would give her a hand at the weekend .
28 How was I to know it would give her a heart attack when it reacted unfavourably with some other medicine she was taking/ I only meant to give her a bit of discomfort .
29 Three months would give her a chance to pack up both her belongings and her brother 's — and perhaps whoever she found to take on her flat would pay a month 's rent in advance too .
30 Surely that would give her a clue .
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