Example sentences of "would [verb] just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Others would prefer just to fuel the war — and make a quick buck at the same time .
2 And you would 've just dug the , the hole bigger and bigger would n't you ?
3 But I have to say that somebody coming to it from outside might indeed take a different view , so I would like just to deal with that aspect of the matter .
4 What our staffing levels do n't allow us to do is for the care assistants to have the time they would like just to spend talking to elderly people , talking them write letters , get in touch with their relatives .
5 He moved with incredible speed , seizing her by the shoulders and propelling her towards the closed door , a hard violence etching the bones of his face into a mask that would have just done justice to a Viking warrior at his most rapacious .
6 But if you 'd got enough fabric , you would have just done the same
7 A lot of people would have just kept it , that thirty five thousand , nothing else but you went in , you picked up the R N V R.
8 She would have just said Charlie 's home . ’
9 I do not have to decide this point ( that is , the question of the existence of the necessary animus ) but I think I would have just decided that there was not quite sufficient animus possidendi bearing in mind all the circumstances of this case .
10 A breakwater would have just risen up above the horizon and come , become slightly more important .
11 No , I would have done it exactly the same , I would have just hoped that I would have been as lucky as I have been .
12 and given them a dish of trifle I think a lot would have just eaten the trifle , had a cup of tea and taken the rest home .
13 personally , I 'd have thought that anyone who heard a gunshot round our manor would have just moved away from the window and kept his head down , but I 've got to accept that someone may have phoned .
14 ‘ If boys had been there I would have just sat and twiddled my thumbs .
15 See that back door , had it been applied well , the paint I would have just rubbed it down .
16 Questions can be asked by The Speaker ( see below ) or the player who has just thrown ( or would have just thrown )
17 Most people around here would have just looked the other way . ’
18 If I had n't known it was him I would have just walked past him . ’
19 And after that , for the next million years or so , the universe would have just continued expanding , without anything much happening .
20 There 's plenty would have just spent that on themselves .
21 Otherwise he was , kidneys he would have just collapsed .
22 ‘ If you were a gentleman , you would have just backed off when you saw this place was taken ! ’
23 I grew up on movies and have always believed that if cameras had been invented before Ur and Og first trod the stone age boards then no one would ever have bothered to invent plays , they would have just leapt straight into the cinema .
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