Example sentences of "would [verb] it from " in BNC.

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1 This would ensure that the broadcasting institution was ultimately accountable to Parliament but at the same time would free it from direct government control in its day-to-day affairs .
2 He told me that if I bought this land at five pounds a dunum , he and his friend would buy it from me at twenty-five a dunum .
3 On the morning of August 24 , 79 AD it was a flourishing Roman town going about its daily business , but within hours it lay suffocated by a 20 ft layer of volcanic waste which would preserve it from robbers and vandals until its excavation in the mid-18th century .
4 One would not think that that was Labour 's intention from reading the document ’ London United ’ issued by the Labour party , but one would know it from reading the draft of that document which the Labour party did not dare publish .
5 The bumps and marks on the this goldfish would prevent it from winning any show prizes — but even a humble fantail deserves the best conditions .
6 They say that aside from getting a few noses out of joint at Microsoft Corp , enough people felt BillyGram was a silly name and would prevent it from being taken seriously .
7 If it were kept isolated during the critical period nothing would prevent it from becoming an affectionless psychopath for the remainder of its life .
8 It had appeared for a while that Coronation Street 's rival EastEnders , boosted by a weekend omnibus , would oust it from top spot in the ratings .
9 Soon , with his promised posting to Mrs Thatcher 's office , he would see it from inside the office of the Leader of Her Majesty 's Loyal Opposition .
10 To wean himself away from concrete , physical sensation , the Jewish adept should learn to contemplate language in a way that would divorce it from meaning and physical reality .
11 But what would transform it from an externally enforced to a moral obligation ?
12 One suspects that the writers were not altogether clear in their own minds ; the monk of Croyland , for all his extravagant remarks about the northerners , also spoke in terms of the ‘ sovereignty of England ’ , when describing a prophecy among the Welsh , whom he certainly regarded as different , that they would recover it from the English , although they failed to do so in 1469 ( 14 , p.543 ) .
13 If you had a cold , aconite would stop it from developing , or keep a bad cold from becoming something worse .
14 He has little knowledge of a shepherd 's life since he writes his idyllic poem from the town , as a wealthy poet , and can not possibly see the reality as one would have it from experienced eyes .
15 This was an ambitious objective , but it was 1971 and Robert McNamara had been President of the World Bank for three years , long enough to begin to realize his goal of a leap forward in Bank lending that would take it from $1.1 billion in 1967 to $11.4 billion in 1980 , his last year in office .
16 I would take it from any nomads .
17 The HIE chief executive , Iain Robertson , said : ‘ Objective 1 funding would provide a platform for growth for the Highlands and Islands which would take it from the edge of Europe to the community 's very heart . ’
18 ‘ Objective 1 funding would provide a platform for growth for the Highlands and Islands which would take it from the edge of Europe to the community 's very heart , ’ said the Highlands and Islands Enterprise chief executive , Iain Robertson .
19 Either she told him or he would force it from Una .
20 ‘ Speak it — for I would hear it from your lips . ’
21 Now , under the impact of guilt and remorse motivated by the positive side of the original ambivalent feelings for the father , the ego sought to defend itself from further conflict with its id by erecting safety measures which would protect it from such distorting and stressful impulses .
22 Conservative plans would split it from top to bottom in a complex network of charging that pitted patients against doctors , doctors against hospitals , hospitals against charities and charities against patients .
23 Conservative plans would split it from top to bottom , he said , in a complex network of charging that pitted patients against doctors , doctors against hospitals , hospitals against charities and charities against patients .
24 Whatever she [ mother ] needs , it 's there regardless … if her money did n't amount to whatever she needed , she would get it , even if I had to borrow for it , she would get it from somewhere .
25 Oh it could be stormy right enough but well the steamer might call at Rousay at that time and they would land the goods in Rousay the perishables for Wyre and when the weather abated we would get it from there .
26 BELL Resources , 58 per cent owned by Alan Bond 's Bond Corporation , is running out of time to obtain money or assets from Bond that would save it from collapse , its chairman , Geoff Hill , said yesterday .
27 The doctor offered Rose slimming tablets to help her lose even more weight but he said he was not very hopeful that she would lose it from her legs .
28 ‘ You think your gown old and shabby , but they would rip it from your body because ‘ t is better than the rags they wear .
29 Maggie Smith once said about him : ‘ Kenneth taught me how to recognize the one word in a sentence which would turn it from a commonplace statement into something wildly funny . ’
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