Example sentences of "there [modal v] [be] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There may be difficulty obtaining a policy over the age of 75 .
2 Secondly , there may be difficulty in proving that the buyer orally agreed to the exclusion .
3 Unless that partner was dependent on the person who has died , there may be difficulty in establishing a claim .
4 there may be contamination through copying , discussion or even any request for clarification .
5 Where the proprietor and family undertake the night duty there may be proprietor ‘ burn out ’ .
6 There may be diarrhoea , tingling in the feet and hands , swelling of the abdomen , legs and ankles , and breathlessness .
7 Check as there may be insurance problems , but do n't be put off , or how about getting a dealer to supply a cardboard mock-up of a car and using this , it still grabs the attention .
8 There may be fever , loss of appetite and weight , and aches and pains in the muscles , joints , and bones .
9 Or there may be regret for the loss of the rewards of professionalism , as in this woman 's comments about nursing :
10 So for motor industry parts like door handles , plastic fascia or springs , there may be cost savings to be had from the simple labour intensive pressing operations of smaller firms .
11 The manager 's priority is to fill the gap and he therefore may accept the offer of someone even though there may be cost implications ,
12 There may be honour among thieves , but there did not appear to be anything similar among social climbers .
13 There may be video materials on your shelves showing people at work which you could use to extend practice of this kind .
14 Higher above the window there may be brickwork , in which case a batten may again be the easiest method to use .
15 Do you think you also were hitting the rawest of nerves within the church , and maybe within Archbishop McQuaid himself , by suggesting there may be homosexuality among priests and even implying that people could get pleasure from sex ?
16 There may be speculation whether the existence of two bodies with similar aims could lead to duplication of effort and competition for members which would diminish our influence .
17 There may be weakness , nervous prostration , nervous irritability and they desire solitude when they are ill ; consolation makes worse ( < ) .
18 Both approaches are necessary and , in fact , complementary , yet there may be misapprehension about the appropriate place of each , leading occasionally to unnecessary conflict even within an organisation .
19 Whilst there is no cover for these items under the Policy there may be cover under a Home or Sports Policy held by the Corporation and it is advisable to check wherever such cover exists before finally declining claims on these items .
20 There may be apprehension about being in hospital and the surgery itself and sometimes fear about prognosis and/or dying .
21 Although there may be discussion of specific types of offence , the committees are not empowered to discuss individual cases or deal with complaints against individual officers .
22 Nor is it flippant liberalism to point this out — though there may be significance in the fact that anyone who does so has immediately to excuse himself , as I find myself doing .
23 On many issues , the convergence with the Liberal Democrats is so marked that there may be mileage in cross-party initiatives .
24 I dare not ask directly what is the precise matter but I see in Mr Browning 's eyes an anxiety deeper than usual and he confessed to me the other day that he fears there may be water on the lung .
25 Nevertheless , the large number of organisations involved and the fact that their activities are not centrally co-ordinated as in Northern Ireland , suggests that there may be scope for confusion or conflict between them .
26 Democratic mechanisms must be conceived as operating at different levels : within the operating units there may be scope for direct participative democracy perhaps also involving factory committees in close touch with the workforce ; at the level of the enterprise , direct democracy would probably be impractical and some form of representative mechanism would be required .
27 It also suggests that there may be scope for significantly reducing the number of committals without interfering with the defendant 's right to opt for jury trial .
28 No account of social policy making should disregard the potential influence of these ‘ good causes ’ , however much there may be scope for controversy about their real power in situations where interests are-in conflict .
29 there may be scope for closer integration of departmental reviews and audit programmes , in respect of objectives and results , and for more formal follow-up procedures .
30 There may be scope here for involving a ‘ Friends ’ organization for funding and labour , since our history is such a fascinating topic in its own right .
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