Example sentences of "there [be] just [art] " in BNC.

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1 For the reader , however , an art defined as national , made as cohesive and marketable as possible , may be less than convincing as an entity ; it may be that within a survey or an anthology there are just a limited number of interesting and attractive works .
2 They may encompass whole villages or a small hamlet in which there are just a scattering of modest but pretty cottages and a few barns .
3 If there are just a few of them write down their full names , titles and relevant facts about their background and attitudes .
4 Now there are just a few but they are large modern deep-sea trawlers , with more comfortable quarters — and some can freeze the fish at sea off Iceland , Canada or Norway .
5 He explained that ‘ As far as laboratory chemists are concerned there are just a few specific uses [ for tetra ] — they have tended to avoid it because of the toxicity ’ .
6 There are just a few questions and we 'll let you go back to the Vicarage .
7 Even more remarkable is the fact that across the personal computer platforms there are just a handful of players and products that are accepted .
8 But there are just a couple that — ’
9 Erm there are just a couple of points that the director has n't touched on erm because they 're probably outside his direct remit .
10 In this battle , thankfully , there are just a few bruises
11 There are just a few questions I 'd like to ask you .
12 There are just the odd hints here and there that John and Ann did not always see eye-to-eye on religious matters .
13 There are just the two .
14 The variations are so wide that it would contravene both the principle of fair labelling ( see Chapter 3.3 ( 1 ) ) and the principle of maximum certainty ( see Chapter 3.3 ( i ) ) if there were just a single offence of non-fatal harm and a single offence of sexual assault : this would often leave little to be decided at the trial and would transfer the effective decision to the sentencing stage .
15 There were just a handful of hear-hears when Mellor said his ‘ cheap and sordid ’ affair was not a resigning offence .
16 At first there were just a few ‘ pops ’ , perhaps from pistols , then other weapons joined in , from the familiar rattle of Kalashnikovs to heavier machine-guns .
17 On the second sheet er of D One , the responsibility statement , er there were just a couple of boxes er ticked .
18 There were just a few strands of grey in his hair , faint lines around his eyes and the sensuous mouth .
19 where ever it was , whatever it was I had to do , I got stuck , there were , there were just no underground trains in either direction on that line at all and a , a great tanner went
20 There were just the whitehorn and brier of the hedges , the green ridge of the lane inside the wheel tracks , the wild strawberries starting to darken on the banks .
21 Nothing traumatic happened ; there were just the ordinary ups and downs which would naturally have occurred in the life of a humble family striving to make a reasonable living in a somewhat precarious way .
22 There were just the two of us .
23 ‘ Mam had asked him to look after us and there were just the three children in the house .
24 There were just the mist and the empty roads , and the far-of crowing of cockerels in the dawn .
25 At last there were just the external walls to be given a final coat of white paint .
26 There were just the two of them .
27 There were just the three of them , with Chamberlain holding one man 's future or the other 's in the palm of his hand .
28 Yeah well , there was n't many shops there really dear , there were just the er fishmongers and greengrocers and the butchers and the , we used to have to go there to get , to queue up , you had to queue because there was no , not many shops to be there you see to serve you , it 's altered a lot now , there 's a lot more shops now and the doctors I used to have to queue right out the gate , the doctors a big long queue , there was only Dr surgery and then we had another doctor came that started down at erm the bottom of erm Harlow near where , where do they call that ?
29 The charity shop 's not really a proper shop — it ai n't smart or none of that , and there 's just a couple of old women sitting by an electric fire and helping out customers when they want to try on clothes and that .
30 Or there 's just a little honey left ?
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