Example sentences of "there [be] [art] case " in BNC.

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1 I 've also got an Explorer which cost me four hundred bucks — mind you , there 's no case with that .
2 So there 's no case there 's no re no numbers .
3 But the Government insisted there 's no case to answer .
4 Seventeen adults were arrested , but even though police now say there 's no case against them , many of the twenty children taken into care have not been allowed home .
5 There 's a case for bringing back those old style Tory values .
6 I think there 's a case for considering purchase .
7 Ah in fact there 's a case in London where they 've just recently charged a mother , where the firemen were called to a house fire over the weekend and erm during the , putting the fire out they discovered a child 's body er i on the settee .
8 And may I say very clearly and unequivocally at the outset , that it is abhorrent when it does happen to us because there 's no place for it , quite simply because er it is counterproductive to cohesion , and cohesion is the basis for operational effectiveness , and when there is an incident of bullying then we very promptly and thoroughly investigate it , and that investigation is followed , if there 's a case to be brought , by a trial of the chap that 's guilty .
9 my Lord there 's a case which I want to bring your Lordships attention to in relate in relation to article five and this is the my Lord there is a further case that I want to bring to your Lordships attention
10 So I I I do n't think that there 's a case for er widening the er widened inquiry into the auditing of companies .
11 There 's the case of the £10 billion wasted trying to prop up the pound .
12 They have , sensibly , realised that the benefits from proceeding with caution outweigh the risks and there is no case for banning the practice outright .
13 There is no case beyond this for some mysterium , an agent of non-material origins , unless information processing itself is given that status .
14 If it appears that the prosecution has failed to prove an essential element of the offence , or if its evidence has been discredited in cross-examination , there is no case to answer and the defence does not respond .
15 In the wider context Regan contends that , ‘ though the ( economic ) heavens fall ’ there is no case for protecting society ‘ if the protection in question involves violating the rights of others [ viz. farm animals ] ’ ( 1983 : 346–7 ) .
16 But nothing is implied by the new study of the utility of AZT in the treatment of those in whom symptoms have already appeared ; there is no case for abandoning that treatment , at least on the evidence now available .
17 Indeed , he added , " in the whole history of the trade union movement in Britain there is no case of such systematic and venomous persecution as that to which Wilson was subjected by the shipowners of this country " .
18 If you know that there is no case bearing directly upon the problem , say so .
19 We believe that most women may still be advised that vaginal delivery can be safely accomplished when a term fetus presents by the breech and that there is no case for routine elective caesarean section .
20 The examination of existing stations during the Coal Review established there is no case for early closure not for the abandoning Sizewell B.
21 Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there is no case to be made for taxpayers ' money being used to prop up Boris Yeltsin , who will turn out to be the David Owen of Russia ?
22 A report by academics for the T U C shows there is no case for abolition .
23 The merchant 's generosity , by contrast , is more genuinely giving : The merchant is a professed and , as far as we are told , an honest merchant : there is no case for any suggestion that the display of wealth in his " " largesse " " ( 22 ) is a serious form of duplicity rather than a worthy — if also pragmatic — use of his riches .
24 There is no case in civil law which extends the egg shell skull rule beyond physical characteristics .
25 There is no case law on such a combination of clauses .
26 The court must particularly bear in mind in the case of a legally aided plaintiff that it is in the public interest to have such an early disclosure , which might affect the bringing or continuance of legal proceedings ; if discovery is ordered and it discloses that there is no case , then that is an end to it .
27 Now I 'm against that and I 'm therefore against I regret to say what the Noble Lord , Lord said , and I 'm extremely sorry to see that he has moved on this particular matter er because th there is no case , that has been really made out for this .
28 If the Nepalese court decides that there is no case against the two men , they could be back in Britain by the end of the week .
29 Safety must be paramount in our thinking , and if it stops any more such tragedies then there is no case for those opposed to all-seater stadia .
30 Indeed there is a case for saying that it is the mix of ions of opposite polarities that makes the resonance formula adaptable and actually causes a self-tuning resonance .
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