Example sentences of "there [be] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 One wonders whether the Department of Social Security fraud branch is able to request information , and what checks there are on its legitimate use .
2 Now obviously this can happen a bit , but I do n't think , on the whole it happens very much , at least certainly not in a way that matters erm I do n't think it does matter if people change things a little bit , because erm but on the whole people are doing things in the way that they 're doing them erm because they 've got accustomed to doing them that way and that 's the way that they 've planned it , and that 's the way that it comes out as a result of all of those pressures that there are on them .
3 As far as children with special educational needs are concerned , there are for me two main worries .
4 I know Sibelius is in many ways a very different composer from Bruckner , but I remember you suggesting that there are for you affinities between them .
5 There are to his mind terminological ambiguities that cloud the use of the term records in the context of the electronic environment .
6 There are as many constraints and ‘ lock-ins ’ with systems calling themselves ‘ open ’ as there are with their proprietary predecessors . ’
7 I just wonder how many more people there are like them .
8 Camp sites there are in plenty , but they are discreetly sited .
9 There 's plenty of food for the world however many people there are in it , because no one 's started farming the seas yet , have they ?
10 When you 've saved up a card , I do n't know how many there are in it you got a pound worth of gifts at
11 If I want to count how many chairs there are in my college , I have little problem about deciding which of the many objects in college I am going to include in my count .
12 For present purposes there are in my judgment two streams of authority relating to moneys wrongly extracted by way of impost .
13 Do you have any idea of the number of Jewish organizations there are in my neck of the woods and how many of their organizers have my phone number on the kitchen wall ?
14 Although in your native country , England , there are in my epoch six times as many people as in 1816 , nevertheless , the individual is guaranteed a much better chance to lead a life free from catastrophe and , if catastrophe occurs , a much better chance to be helped to recover .
15 I forget how many golf courses there are in my constituency , but there must be about 10 .
16 When you put all these factors together it concerns me that nobody has been advancing the case that as with other districts , some other districts in York , it would be appropriate , even more appropriate in my view , that the migration assumption should be discounted , there are in my view special reasons why this should be the case , special reasons over and above tho those that have been applied , to the other districts , this in my view would be that the Greater York housing provision for all those reasons I 've just highlighted , should be reduced , should be reduced to the seventy five percent level , in other words that would be reducing it by between a thousand and twelve hundred and fifty houses , now I wo n't get on to the reason that the fact that that 's one reason why there 's no need for a new settlement , erm but it is a reason in its own right just to protect the character and the capacity requirements and the environmental sensitivities of the Greater York area .
17 In addition , there are within everyone his or her own parents in the form of received data and , with maturity , a third contribution from his or her own adult experience .
18 Moreover , there are within it , more than most other subjects , marked political differences between the leading figures in the field .
19 there 're in there 're in there 're in
20 there 're in there 're in there 're in
21 Fly over the solitary rock washed by the glacial tears of sorrow , let there be at your passing , a radiant beam over the gloomy solitary rock .
22 Next one I did not complete the survey not because people were away , if people were absent that 's not your fault , what reasons might there be for you not completing the survey , hands up
23 The absence of a market rate of interest will obviously be a disincentive to lending but the law deals with this too : ‘ If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates … thou shalt not harden thine heart nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother : But thou shalt … surely lend him sufficient for his need , in that which he wanteth ’ ( Deut. 15:7–8 ) .
24 ( Exodus 20 v.2/3 ) ‘ I am he : before me there was no God formed , neither shall there be after me . ’
25 ‘ Good God , man , what profit would there be in it for us ? ’
26 Factionalism was rife , and the British Situationists — what there were of them — did their best to recruit amongst the underground-oriented malcontents despairing of the prospects of that movement .
27 They argued that since there seemed to be infinitely more Friedmann-like models without a big bang singularity than there were with one , we should conclude that there had not in reality been a big bang .
28 I mean , he had no idea about what possibilities there were for me and he just looked at it as a very , very dodgy profession to want to go into .
29 Excitement mounted ; in her memoirs Princess Marie Louise quotes Sir Edwin Lutyens as saying , ‘ Let us devise and design for all time something which will enable future generations to see how a king and queen of England lived in the twentieth century , and what authors , artists and craftsmen of note there were during their reign . ’
30 When Henry and Eleanor held their Christmas court at Chinon in 1172 whatever tensions there were between them remained hidden from public view .
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