Example sentences of "there [verb] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 But there came a time when that struggle could no longer increase life enjoyment as far as the adult population was concerned .
2 Though I jumped too when he cracked the whip , there came a time when I refused to jump as high as the others .
3 And then there came a time when he felt a pride in the deed , in the courage , the audacity , the resolution which had made it possible .
4 There came a time when he doubled back after the others had gone on the trail taking their cyan hardness with them .
5 It took many months more for me to feel safe enough to talk to him about The Fat Controller , but there came a time , when the memory of our last vertiginous encounter had dimmed , that I became prepared to risk it .
6 There came a time , though , when even these were abandoned and a large hall-like building was constructed on a completely different alignment , which even ignored the Roman street lines .
7 There came a time when she thought that if she did it once more , he would burst of an apoplexy .
8 There followed a time of uncertainty but , it had been ‘ business as usual ’ at Alton General , with staff ‘ making do ’ and ‘ covering up the cracks ’ in their efforts to provide an atmosphere of peace and calm , however hard worked they were behind the scenes .
9 There followed a time of uncertainty and bloodshed which was eventually resolved when the republic developed into an empire with Augustus as its first emperor from 27 B.C. The Augustan period from then until his death in A.D. 14 was one of the great and successful ages of man and , architecturally , this is reflected in the many great buildings which were erected under the auspices of Augustus whose boast was that when he came to Rome it was a city of bricks but that he left it a city of marble .
10 Indeed there seems no time for such grief , for at the news of the ark he collapses , falls backwards from his seat , breaks his neck , and dies .
11 There comes a time in every project , he wrote , when it becomes clear that a head is no match for a wall .
12 ‘ For there comes a time when he absolutely must go somewhere . ’
13 And perhaps most people qualified to judge would concede that there comes a time early in any study of Joyce where the student has to beat the Dublin streets on foot .
14 ‘ It 's true , ’ he says , ‘ there comes a time in your life when comfort matters .
15 It can be masked for a while and often goes quite unrecognized , but there comes a time when it is not possible to disguise it and the reaction becomes an overwhelming one .
16 The Whips will be in overdrive and there comes a time when even a politician prefers early bed and a mug of Horlicks to the thought of another late night in the lobbies .
17 There comes a time in many of our lives when we say ‘ Girl , get yourself a piece of paper ’ .
18 Whatever your beliefs with regard to an after-life , there comes a time when you realise that you cry only for yourself , for your loneliness and the fact that you have been left behind .
19 ‘ Some things there comes a time when they have to go to someone else . ’
20 There comes a time Jonadab , in every woman 's life , when she needs a man .
21 But , there comes a time in every painting when a clean , new brush has to be used to add detail or to control a passage of the work that started off as a spontaneous accident , or alternatively to lay on a clean glaze .
22 There comes a time when we have to decide which of the paints on the market will do the best job .
23 But eventually there comes a time when you ca n't get any more stoned and still be happy .
24 ‘ But there comes a time when I have to reach for the sleeping tablets .
25 There comes a time in a nome 's life when he should n't crawl around the inside of terrible flying machines ! ’
26 But as the battle raged on , UN spokesman Mik Magnusson said : ‘ There comes a time when we have to assess the situation .
27 There comes a time when it 's not worth the commitment you 've got to give ’ — ALEX WYLLIE ( retired All Black coach ) .
28 ‘ However , there comes a time , hopefully well before the kick-off , when a player has to set his disappointments and frustrations to one side , roll up his sleeves and get to work .
29 There comes a time , ’ he said as his voice broke with emotion .
30 If there comes a time when it is necessary to completely dismantle your aquarium , the fish can be temporarily housed in a smaller aquarium , provided there is a good supply of oxygen .
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