Example sentences of "all the [noun pl] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 With all the macros together on one page , someone doing accounts where they only want some of the standard sheets , can just choose those that are relevant . ’
2 Aunt Bedelia tut-tutted at all the goings on as we ate our spinach soup made with dandelion leaves and wild garlic .
3 This enabled me to observe with impunity all the goings on outside .
4 We brought another medium into the studio as we were a bit worried with all the goings on .
5 Erm , when we were looking at all the markers like erm ,
6 all , all the roads round , yeah ? seven miles in n it ?
7 However , it may be in your best interests to make full use of all the options rather than miss some of them out .
8 That 's why I stuck all the posters here think the back issues loosening up a bit it was getting pretty tight .
9 A breadth-first traversal goes from one node to all the nodes directly connected to it and then resumes the process at one of those connected nodes .
10 Finally , if asked to do so , tie all the scripts together so that none goes astray .
11 Thousand across all the columns here , erm , nice round numbers input elsewhere .
12 And have somebody who deals with all the income , all the banking and all the payments out .
13 And then I could add them together , or if that 's a bit awkward , what I could do is I could think of the hundred and one as a hundred add one , I can think of the seventeen as ten add seven , and then I multiply them this way and I multiply all the bits and then add all the bits up at the end .
14 on your own , several times , to practise it , to shake it up and down , get all the bits out of it
15 When you unbind it it just stops it from joining all the bits together .
16 I do n't think my customer 's although you 'll probably hear all the bits in between .
17 Well let them clear th all the bits off first before you put any more out .
18 Could you be bothered getting that out unless you 're prepared wash all , all the bits afterwards .
19 The following morning the room looked as though an expedition had broken out in it , so we fought all the bits back into the sacs , smiled sweetly at the girl on reception and left .
20 Well I brought all the tablets along .
21 Practise selecting different blocks of text using all the keystrokes above .
22 Copernicus had argued that , contrary to the views of Aristotle and Ptolemy , the Earth and all the planets actually moved in orbits round the Sun .
23 All the mountains all round it .
24 That 's what I like about it , all the mountains all over the place , you know ?
25 All the factors here are needed , but common factors ( found in both ) need not be taken twice in the L.C.M.
26 I sat unmoving , adding up all the factors over and over , getting the same answer , while Posi took us up into Highlight and on to the first Netline of our route .
27 Thus , whilst their Lordships entirely understand why both Barnett J. and the Court of Appeal should have felt , in the light of the passage cited from Reg. v. Bow Street Stipendiary Magistrate , Ex parte Director of Public Prosecutions , 91 Cr.App.R. 283 , 296–297 , that the district judge had paid insufficient regard to the task undertaken by the prosecution , they consider that the district judge was in fact correct to take into account all the factors together , without reference to any burden of proof other than the heavy burden which always rests on a defendant who seeks a stay on the grounds of delay .
28 The myth recurs in some form in all the plays right up to The Tempest , where the boar , again the agent of the lustful goddess , charges ( the threats to Miranda 's chastity ) but is stopped ‘ in mid-air ’ by the magic of Prospero .
29 In the first place , it has meant that while financial responsibility for a polytechnic falls on its local education authority , it is effectively financed by all the authorities collectively , a fact which perhaps strengthens the institution 's claim for more autonomy .
30 Another risk factor for cervical neoplasia is sexual behaviour : a woman 's having intercourse before the age of 17 was the most powerfully discriminating variable in nearly all the studies where this has been investigated , and a history of multiple sexual partners is an important supporting variable .
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