Example sentences of "all these [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A minefield seems to open up : complexity , controversy , doubt , anxiety , anger , bitterness , bigotry , intolerance … all these are possible .
2 These new men have made me see form , have made me more conscious of the sky where it juts down between houses , of the bright patterns of sunlight which the bath water throws up on the ceiling , of the great ‘ Vs ’ of light that dart through the chinks over the curtain rings , all these are new chords , new keys of design .
3 The most important records are the Alfoxden Journal ( 1798 ) and the Grasmere Journals ( 1800–3 ) , but there are also accounts of the tours and visits which the Wordsworths made — not all these are complete , though , and the Hamburg Journal ( 1798 ) breaks off shortly after their arrival in Germany .
4 All these are rounded figures .
5 Even so , using multivariate analysis to adjust for many of these , including cigarette smoking , sex , duration of diabetes , hypertension and obesity , the Framingham investigators concluded that all these are insufficient to account for the excess incidence of coronary heart disease , particularly in female diabetics ( Garcia et al , 1974 ) .
6 Thoroughly recommend all , you do n't have to be members , we , we are members of the magazine club , because all these are available in local libraries .
7 All these are smashed .
8 The dry seasons and the wet , the hot and the cold , all these are essential in the ebb and flow of nature 's processes .
9 Whether they are already leaders or aspire to more senior positions or are any part of those steadily developing collegial teams which are necessary to manage the diversity of educational change , then breadth of knowledge , a political awareness of the wider field of debate , the capacity to stand back , criticize and to argue to an acceptable and workable end , all these are essential parts of the professional 's equipment .
10 All these are essential for most baking and cake decorating procedures .
11 All these are likely to encounter dementia in the course of their work .
12 You have to understand that the whole linguistic system of signs , signifiers — are you familiar with linguistics ? well , I do n't blame you — all these are different .
13 All these are antisemitic texts , telling a tale of conspiracy only slightly more sophisticated than the Protocols .
14 Whether you grow vegetables , summer bedding or an informal patch of wildflowers , you should compost or destroy dead leaves , exhausted plants , vegetable stumps and thinnings , for all these are favourite haunts of many harmful insects .
15 ( Not all violent programmes have the same effect : the nature of the violence being portrayed , the type of child doing the observing , and whether short-term or long-term effects are being studied — all these are important in trying to reach any conclusion . )
16 All these are important matters for you to take into account if you are not to become embroiled in their , probably very old , business together .
17 All these are important to any unit and vital to Goblins .
18 All these are degenerative diseases of the central nervous system .
19 All these are excellent aims .
20 All these are inconsistent with ‘ living life ’ , the two words which are placed between inverted commas and imposed at the level of mere idea upon Notes from Underground , but which truly drive Raskolnikov , which are his need to become a man again .
21 For most people , getting on in life , winning promotion , saving a bit , going on a better holiday , buying a car , purchasing a home , giving the children a better start — all these are natural aims .
22 all these are white , like , and I could n't make
23 But all these were peripheral .
24 Although , apart from lapis lazuli , supplies of all these were available in Egypt and Sinai , Egyptian craftsmen often had recourse to coloured glass to infill cloisonné cells .
25 Science , history , politics , music — all these were insignificant compared to the magnificent calling I had chosen for myself .
26 Now , all these were black sheep , they were the nicest of the lot , and there was no , they were the ones you turned to , if you wanted to discuss your troubles .
27 All these were present in Artur Pizarro 's performance .
28 The driver 's platform beyond the stairs was completely open and unprotected and in all these were large ungainly looking cars , but typical of the turn of the century idea of what a high capacity bogie car should look like .
29 All these were minor details .
30 Praise you , ‘ All these were lovely ’ ; say , ‘ He loved . ’
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