Example sentences of "all [det] [noun] on " in BNC.

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1 General Francis spent all that night on his hard chair on the other side of the bed .
2 What 's all that wood on me clane flooar ?
3 ’ — but when he heard what the fees would be if he stayed he decided that he was hanged if he was going to spend all that money on being upset .
4 I mean , I let him spend all that money on me , and although I told myself it was fair , it was n't .
5 ‘ I suppose when you spend all that money on a girl you do n't want to spend the evening wheezing into your hankie , do you ?
6 ‘ They have just spent all that money on an aquarium and restaurant .
7 What after spending all that money on the house ?
8 thank you for spending all that money on us .
9 All he ever says when I go and see him is , why do have to wear all that stuff on your face , why ca n't you be natural ? ’
10 All that stuff on our first two records I think is really cool and in some ways I prefer it to what we 're doing now , and I knew that once we took any of those songs and put them in an electric context people would go , ‘ Duh , it 's a good song ! ’ .
11 He 'll feel obliged to go all the way to Paddington with her — she 'll never manage all that stuff on her own .
12 Just hold on a minute ! , just look at all that stuff on there !
13 ‘ I went all that way on me day off , and hoped I 'd do some good between them .
14 Went all that way on the bus .
15 So straight away you see what 's happened in this case his code becomes two eighty one H whereas previously we 've got quite a high code and yet his total income is er not er comparative to the change in code numbers and this is what has that effect , that all that tax on all this income has to be collected against his works pension , thereby causing a lot of confusion and difficulty for er people becoming retired .
16 Got up like a tart with her new frocks and her jewellery and all that muck on her face , and not a bleeding thing to do all day long but watch that colour telly and ring up her pals .
17 Hell , under all that gook on his eyelids , he was probably no blinder than a hawk .
18 But all that controversy on television failed to excite the public .
19 Was he the cause of all that fuss on the phone ?
20 And he 's still got all that weight on him .
21 And how would poor , stooped Alice have come all this way on such an unlikely errand ?
22 But it 's a bonus is n't it , because they 've had all this protection on this and they 've still got some cash building up .
23 They 're What do you think they 're doing all this firing on us right now .
24 All this mess on my desk .
25 Now all this emphasis on the Spirit as the author , the controller and the energiser of the Church 's mission is highly significant .
26 But it was a pity that there was all this emphasis on blood .
27 The Grammar School was , indubitably , still the best school in the town but all this change on his doorstep was unsettling .
28 ‘ Obviously if the FHSAs are paying out all this money on fundholders there is less of a limited pot for other doctors and their patients , ’ he said .
29 The next morning he plonked all this money on the table , about eighteen hundred quid , and said it was mine to re-do the kitchen and the bathroom . ’
30 As a matter of fact er as the years went by we got this benevolent fund and we used to give all the old w as a mat we got a pension fund I know it do n't sound much now , but at that time like during and just after the War we paid twelve and sixpence a week pension to all everybody who 'd retired from the union after they 'd done time , and we also gave them extra grants and took them on er you know outings until a time I said , Well we 're spending all this money on outings , we could buy a bungalow at the seaside and let them all go you know pensioners go in their turn free .
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