Example sentences of "all [vb pp] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ’ What are you all heated up about ?
2 The vagaries of travel to Orkney , however , including the fact that the scheduled flights were all booked up with journalists , meant he could not arrive in time for the ten o'clock start .
3 We were all caught up in the shock and wondered what the significance was .
4 In Canaan , prostitution and fertility rites were all mixed up with worship .
5 Aye , they were all mixed up with them were n't they ?
6 There 's a wonderful picture of the , body of a a women all curled up in today 's paper .
7 it 's solely for , it 's erm i , yo you could have six or seven parcels all picked up in one consignment if it 's picked up by that carrier
8 ‘ OK , the shooting 's stopped and we 're all parked up outside the Butcher Building .
9 It all added up to a premonition of tragedy for Charles .
10 Suddenly , Constance realised that she actually was very tired — but not too tired to notice with pleasure the warm wood panelling , the Turkey-red stair carpet and the clean smell of polish which all added up to an atmosphere of richness and opulence quite foreign to her mother 's sparse house in Northumberland .
11 The shadow on the step , the wind in his eye , the very fact that Fly was here when he never came into the city on weekdays : it all added up to something he could n't quite catch hold of .
12 All added up to subsistence farming in its most rudimentary form , with minimal trading and scarcely any money circulating , so that the assessors ' valuation of livestock — and household effects — may well have been frankly notional .
13 It all added up to an organisation , but what organisation ?
14 It all added up to a hotel bedroom .
15 It all added up to the fact that below Silas 's cool exterior there was warmth and compassion for others .
16 he 'd go upstairs and Shirley would have put all the clean clothes back in the wardrobe and he 'd go in the wardrobe oh , no I wo n't wear that , no I wo n't wear that and half the time she found the cleanest clothes were all rolled up under the bed .
17 Oh you could tell right on the phone you were sort of all keyed up with it .
18 It was not to be , for although we were all keyed up like first violins , having heard Churchill 's great ‘ Their finest hour ’ speech on June 15th with les soldats Francaises listening as well , Whitehall had decided that better arrangements had to be made for children than care in one of the best London hospitals .
19 She , she gets all wound up at home and then comes to work and where there 's people to sound off about , everything under the er the sun .
20 right and there why , why , I mean I 'm not saying , at the end of the day its all taxed up towards you making money
21 We are all made up of what we have achieved in the past , the character we have developed , our strong points , our weaknesses .
22 Okay , no it 's , I 'm just going by the one at school and it , because it 's all made up of little dots you
23 They are all made up of the same shapes-triangles , squares and rectangles .
24 The latest sub-atomic theories , for example , say that we are all made up of infinitely thin pieces of string which may exist in ten dimensions .
25 They were all made up as a batch were n't they ?
26 Mind you we 've got loads of staff nurses as well and they 're not all made up to .
27 If winning one battle meant you won the war , IBM would have it all sewn up by now , but that 's not the case .
28 ‘ We 're all fed up with him , and we 're disappointed with the League and players ' union .
29 Are we not all fed up with ‘ artistic culture ’ ?
30 They 're all fed up with this shit .
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