Example sentences of "all [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A distinction should be drawn first of all between limits on the discretion of the directors that result from the company 's objects clause , and limits that depend on fiduciary duties .
2 And the sketches and the readings take , er take us all through literature from the eighteenth century to present day , and they , they 're just readings and sketches from that , which I do n't , I have n't actually seen it and I do n't know what it 's going to be , but I 've every confidence that whatever Edward Fox , Dorothy Tutin and Freddie Jones do , it will be quite superb in these events
3 Therefore any adjustment which comes about as a result of an increase in the money supply will probably take place first of all through purchases of short-term , highly liquid financial assets such as Treasury bills and bank bills .
4 Mr Wormwood had to keep his hat on all through supper in front of the television .
5 ‘ Yes , it was beautiful , ’ Damian said , mouth sardonic , and so it went on , the two women vying for his attention all through dinner as the lights of Aberdeen harbour , on the far side of Hong Kong island , gleamed across the water and night fell .
6 After yesterday 's show — all about problems in relationships — Jenny said : ‘ I have never told him what the pie was but now he will know and I hope he is sick . ’
7 I 'm 16 years old and into any music from All About Eve to The Adventures .
8 do like me , I can tell you all about others from three weeks after I there , I was there I could have told you everything about it
9 That if evolution was all about survival of the fittest , and if men are physically fitter in the sense of sporting prowess , which they unquestionable are , how has evolution produced the situation in which men have less life expectancy than women do from every point of view this far ?
10 So erm , if you think about it , you could say well okay , if the evolution is all about survival of the fittest and if fitness means surviving longer
11 Jones admitted he was still baffled by his sudden £700,000 exit from Chelsea , but is now looking forward to learning all about management from Dons boss Joe Kinnear .
12 He had n't said a great deal , content to look at her as she told him all about life in the convent and of the strange foibles of some of her companions .
13 The first reference merely says that ‘ It 's all about man before birth , during life and at death — very deep and it never does what you expect it to ! ’
14 I just want to end up by saying I know it 's all about reduction for unemployed and the telephone this union has worked very hard with the community in Salford throughout the country if you just give me a moment , Mr President , I 'll get this unclear
15 Unfortunately with got to get some of those people who do n't want to come and it 's all about bums on seats it 's the old old saying bums on seats we 've got to get an answer how we do n't get to these here at the moment in the audience whether they are people who want to get bums on seats or how they know how to do it perhaps they should have a meeting like this every month I 've never seen so many of .
16 Government departments are now so vast that it is unrealistic to expect a minister to know all about matters of administration .
17 And Jill Goolden will be telling us all about wines from Alsace .
18 It 's all about languages for dictionary you know like
19 The 42-year-old Smith certainly knows all about pressure after being sacked almost a year ago by Sunderland following a 3-0 defeat at Oxford .
20 In urban areas field officers are well aware that heavy rain causes a substantial run-off of solids from buildings and roads into the nearest stream ; those in mining areas know all about run-off from colliery tips in wet weather .
21 The first few days in any organisation are all about issues like these .
22 Despite writing a pet column for the Daily Telegraph for more than four years , I have been given no information at all about Crufts over the past two years .
23 I 'd heard all about Group from Rosemary and it did n't seem to be my sort of place .
24 From Navarra in the east , to the greener-than-green Galicia in the west , the northern coast is all about nature before ‘ civilisation ’ got to it .
25 I forgot all about Svetlana until 1989 when a remarkable coincidence brought us together again .
26 Clearly , incapacity or wilful refusal to consummate a marriage as presently defined , if it were to be retained at all as part of the law , could only apply to those relationships presently regarded as marriages .
27 They have been made homeless with many put in camps all as part of what Serbs call Ethnic cleansing .
28 I have found the experience of working in the voluntary sector , first of all as Chair of C V S N A , and vice-Chair of N C V O , for I think about five or six years , and finally as Chairman , in many ways on top of all my other work , exhausting .
29 Fish were included above all as symbols of fertility and plenty .
30 Such projects are all worth while in their own terms , but they would also bring direct benefits to the construction industry and should be introduced and stimulated .
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