Example sentences of "if another [noun sg] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Here we were on swings in small parks , our hair that had been blonded by the African sun now turning dark , as if another person was emerging , slowly , day by day , and with it our accents changed too , so that we spoke in multiple mangled voices as we moved endlessly , six times , seven times , eight , nine times through different versions of Englishness .
2 A previously unknown organization calling itself the Organization for the Defence of the Rights of Prisoners and Detainees had issued a statement claiming responsibility for Leyraud 's abduction , describing him as a French intelligence officer and threatening that he would be executed if another hostage was released .
3 ‘ Now if another geezer were to come along and find another path up to the well …
4 If another cat is given a much more interesting and varied diet , with a different kind of canned food each day and many other titbits , then , paradoxically , it may refuse one of its old , favourite foods from time to time .
5 If another male is grabbed he will give a release call .
6 He was also given the power to convict on any charge within his jurisdiction , even if another offence was originally specified on the charge sheet .
7 Unlike a probation order , which was not regarded as a sentence of the Court , a suspended sentence ranked not merely as a sentence , but as a sentence of imprisonment , with a condition attached which activated the element of custodial confinement only if another offence was committed within a stated period of not less than one year nor more than two ( originally three ) years .
8 Another thing occurs to me — my machines take offence if another machine is introduced into the room — or indeed into the house .
9 This distaste for the subject of money should also guide his behaviour if another gentleman was impudent enough to enquire about his income : ‘ [ In such a situation the mirza ] should try to get the topic changed ; if not he should leave the house to its owner and run away as fast as his feet can carry him .
10 Also if another corpus is available , if the tagset is different then it will be necessary to repeat all of the tagging detailed in the previous section .
11 My own case dragged on for months , swamped with innuendos — if another student was having a clandestine consensual affair , why could n't I have been too ?
12 But 50 years is just a fleeting instant , and it would be a major coincidence if another civilization were so closely in step with us .
13 If another bomb were to go off , just who would come through the ceiling ?
14 The therapist realized that some changes in the couples ' situation would have to occur within a few days if another crisis were to be avoided .
15 Perhaps it was only the effect of the cold , clinging mist but now and again I would catch a sound as if another rider were covertly following our route .
16 Trainers will still be able to change jockeys in exceptional circumstances — illness , injury or if another meeting is abandoned for example .
17 That body up there is a female body , not a sexless abstract sculpture ; if another woman is being stripped , exposed , graded and sold as an object , then she herself is too .
18 The rejection of the newly mobile toddler may be accentuated if another baby is born at this time .
19 The plaintiff must go further and show that the doctor is not suitably qualified or that the examination is not necessary or that he has a reasonable apprehension about the particular doctor which , if realised , might make a fair trial more difficult than if another doctor were to examine him .
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