Example sentences of "if it can [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The NRPB now intends to begin an epidemiological investigation across Britain to see if it can spot any increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer in areas under the night path of the radiation cloud that spread south-east from Windscale 25 years ago .
2 The convenience of gas if it can stay price-competitive is likely to lead to further penetration of all heating markets .
3 AT&T says it has plans to expand the service to nine European countries in 1994 and plans to invest $350m over five years to deliver the services but may spend less if it can form ventures .
4 Any animal with even a rudimentary nervous system will be better placed if it can compute the arrival of impending danger or the location of valuable resources such as food or mates .
5 But it 's essentially , therefore , that natural selection is only going to produce adaptations if it can do so gradually , that 's basically the guts of Darwin 's position .
6 For example , it is helpful to include a continuous on-screen message to tell a user where they are , particularly if it can refer to some form of structural hierarchy in the information .
7 If the Commission thinks the case admissible and worth proceeding with , it sees if it can achieve a friendly settlement .
8 If it can achieve this , and many of the packages will accept input from a variety of other programs , a large part of your current investment will be preserved .
9 If it can offer the fellowship of a club , young people may well risk the scorn of their peers to belong to it .
10 If they do not match your specific interests , take a look at a good shareware catalogue to see if it can offer something closer to your heart .
11 In the Australian experience referred to earlier , those engaged in the study of alternative community-based educational initiatives stressed the former rather than the latter , ‘ The innovating organisation will only survive if it can show them ( the statutory bodies and local power groups ) that its power is complementary rather than invasive . ’
12 If the employer becomes aware of any breach of service contract , it can seek an injunction from the High Court preventing the director(s) in question from committing further breaches , and in the long term , if it can show financial loss , the company may seek damages .
13 We show that provided the B's believe that A follows a linear strategy , then , it is best for A to behave in this way even if it can choose any strategy .
14 Or it might consider itself a success if it can stop providers passing on increases in input prices in full without trying to reduce them by greater efficiency .
15 For example : does he need to know ( and if so , when ? ) the length of the instruction ( if it can vary ) , the order of fields within the instruction , the value in the operation code field , etc .
16 If it just flies by the compass , it will show an equivalent displacement from its goal ; if it can navigate it will reach its goal despite the displacement .
17 And I think er I think it 's that what worries you sometimes , you know er er If it can stand the pace , but as I say .
18 Such a client may accept a supplementary invoice for an additional 17.5% if it can reclaim it all .
19 Mitsubishi is also hoping to sell a lower-spec Sigma in the UK — but only if it can secure the cars from the factory in Japan , and negotiate an increase in its UK import quota .
20 Even if it can estimate potential market demand in a country , actual demand will not materialise unless a similar situation applies to product availability , pricing , quality etc in both countries .
21 If Microsoft decides not to sue — and we wonder if it can decide before WABI is introduced — observers say that it will hassle Sun to death .
22 If it can retain its customers ' faith it could achieve the leadership position it covets by 1997 .
23 The success of the new Continental R , and before that the Bentley Turbo , shows that if it can make the sort of car that new customers approve of , it should still be able to find 3,000 buyers a year around the world .
24 Lloyds has made a clandestine but vigorous pass at Midland and still thinks it is in with a chance and can outbid Hongkong if it can make savings through ruthless high street rationalisation — in effect , putting two banks ' business through one 's network .
25 Expanded memory is much slower than Extended memory , so if it can make do with the latter ( and you do n't need Expanded memory for an old DOS program ) , delete it from your CONFIG.SYS .
26 The University will first see if it can make an internal appointment .
27 Sir Frank added that Britain had no ‘ power to do anything other than see if it can influence the French or whichever country it may be .
28 The team at Oxford 's cancer fund are now planning longer term research with other organisations world-wide to assess the effects of tamoxifen over a longer period of time to see if it can continue saving lives .
29 If it can startle the predator in some way , there is a faint chance that the enemy may panic and flee .
30 If it can keep up the pace , ICL 's hope is that it could overtake IBM in the UK by 1996 .
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