Example sentences of "if it [was/were] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But if it was a local person …
2 A spokesman for British Gas said : ‘ It appears that gas was involved , although it looks as if it was a deliberate release rather than an accidental one . ’
3 Do n't ask me if it was a good game — it would be like asking a surgeon if it was a good operation .
4 Do n't ask me if it was a good game — it would be like asking a surgeon if it was a good operation .
5 If it was a car … but a train ! ’
6 If it was a sad end for England , they at least had the knowledge that only the weather deprived them of a draw .
7 If it was a question of company survival , or union survival , the company would always win .
8 Tammuz waved a hand , examining the remains of his meal as if it was a valuable artefact .
9 If it was a turning point in terms of ‘ proving ’ the relationship , it also marked the change in image Kylie had been wanting for such a long time .
10 It 's a very difficult moral question , and it does no good to talk as if it was a simple black and white issue . ’
11 ‘ No , ’ replied Jamie , looking at a fly on the table as if it was a long-lost brother .
12 The young Palestinian men who had gathered in the room to hear her story sat quietly , knowing that she would finish her grief and that this was a ritual even if it was a deeply felt one .
13 Grey-faced , he walked the heaving deck towards them as if it was a firm path , and the singing hushed at his coming .
14 The box was always somewhere on the floor by his bed , and was tied up with a bow , as if it was a precious parcel or a gift intended for a special person ; the bow was tied from a length of scarlet nylon ribbon which Boy had seen in the dustbin outside a florist 's , and had stolen , and taken home and ironed , having sensed at once that its splendid colour made it suitable for the tying up of this very special box .
15 Geldof 's idea and the money which was raised can not be faulted , even if it was a pathetic sight to see the fat popsters fighting for the limelight .
16 He hacks forward after asking me if it was a 5-iron .
17 The man ( if it was a man ) was probably a fairly junior member of the firm ; if only Henry could find a way of getting past him to the people really in the driving seat .
18 If it was a shock that made her quiet , it 'll be a shock 'll bring her round again . ’
19 But if it was a case of ‘ I 'm going to get you ’ your dignity would n't allow you to let them get the better of you .
20 Group identity , as Karl Hufbauer shows in his recent book The Formation of the German Chemical Community ( New Scientist , 17 March , p 744 ) has shown , can be a powerful force in rejecting a new theory , especially if it was a ‘ passing french fad ’ and some thing typical of the ‘ flighty French ’ .
21 If it was a personal vendetta . ’
22 ‘ But if it was a political act then it affects Scotland and excites my interest . ’
23 The threat , if it was a threat , had taken all his nerve , and the seed of liking for him died within her .
24 Tommy listened , nodding , as if it was a story he 'd heard before .
25 Other times , though , if it was a student who stuck with me for a couple of years , eventually they would get interested in reading in some form .
26 What I figured was that EC ai n't playing like EC used to play any more , so I played exactly as if it was a garage band from Seattle !
27 This was very important — if it was a woman I would walk right out again — I wanted someone young — a kind of ‘ big brother ’ image .
28 If it was a product of the patient 's imagination , there would have to be a very significant reason why the subconscious mind should choose to create a particular series of events and personalities .
29 If it was a general election , he knows about that .
30 If it was a straightforward case I could see , treat and discharge the patient without reference to a doctor .
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