Example sentences of "if she could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Araminta 's face screwed into a mask of rage and she breathed deeply , as if she could barely contain herself .
2 If she could no longer rise to an adventurous life of the spirit , she could keep doggedly on .
3 Which would in any case , cease , she thought , if she could no longer work for the Carsons .
4 Ruth saw she could n't last long ; her face had a blind look , as if she could no longer see through the dazzling fire .
5 Dropping to her knees , as if she could no longer stand on her trembling legs , and heedless of the new peach gown and the pretty fawn pelisse she had bought that covered it , Theda set down her candle on the floor with quivering fingers , and covered her face with her hands .
6 She knew that if Phoebe needed her , if she could even imagine that Phoebe might ever need her , she would have no problem , no problem at all , dealing with Fenna .
7 She felt as if she could even feel smoke , stale and greasy , in her hair .
8 On page 13 MARY BAILEY already has the cichlids — but if she could just get hold of a six foot tank …
9 If the wind died for just a moment ; if she could just get a clear sight of the cockpit …
10 If she could just stay on top …
11 Maybe if she could just curl up on her bed and sleep for a while she 'd feel better .
12 Adam must be around somewhere — if she could just find him and have a quick word before her part in the proceedings began — as if in answer to her prayers , a small group of business-suited men began to disperse , and the figure of a fair-haired man came into view .
13 I 've had them born in the car on the way the the mother have come to see me the father has brought her to see me thinking that if she could just see me she 'd be alright .
14 Ronni wished an entire treeload of acacia blossom would fall on her if she could just experience again the thrilling touch of that hand .
15 If she could just get to the phone box — The car cruised along at her speed .
16 If she could just keep that swelling airway open !
17 If she could just keep them from swimming out of focus …
18 And while she was having a whisky and eating a piece of cake at eleven o'clock , in a hapless impulse to demonstrate and somehow fix her freebooting mood — though she saw the irrationality of it on a day that had begun with a clear insight that at least she would try to equal his thinness even if she could never hope to achieve the frugality of his expectations — just as she was leaving the last part of the cake , she would think of a better way to write the note .
19 She just lay thinking how wonderful it would be if she could actually make Pete notice her .
20 I 'll fight you , ’ she cried in instant denial , wondering in despair if she could actually bring herself to hurt him to save herself .
21 He had taken a sample of blood from the plump flaccid arm , feeling for the vein as carefully as if she could still flinch at the needle 's prick .
22 If she could only persuade Isabel to come downstairs , other than for meals , to talk to her , to listen to the radio , not to be afraid of meeting the butcher or the postman or whatever visitor might call .
23 If she could only cry it would help , but that seemed impossible too .
24 If she could only stop eating .
25 If she could only keep the secret a week or two more it might be possible , after her uncle had gone away to sea , to persuade her Aunt Ann to let them marry .
26 She had the feeling that if she could only get him to turn and look at her she 'd recognise him .
27 If she could only see Troy now , he would help her to decide !
28 The lights upstairs were still on ; if she could only get to a window she might be able to see what the men outside were doing .
29 It was a pity : if she could only get good and fighting drunk , or even paralytic , it would ease a lot of her tensions .
30 She had a sudden feeling that if she could only work out how the ecology of Moloch ticked , she would have a vital clue , if not to discovering Ace 's whereabouts , then at least to getting a handle on the vanished aliens .
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