Example sentences of "if she [vb past] n't " in BNC.

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1 Would it have been easier if she had n't seen Lucy almost every day for four years going into or out of the office next door ?
2 Napoleon 's Number One Fan , who during Abel Gance 's film was accused by the man in the next seat of masturbating underneath his hat and splashing his wife , but who stoutly defended himself by saying that the unfortunate staining would never have happened if she had n't nudged him and thus dislodged the titfer from his lap .
3 Beforehand she had combed her hair by the light of the flashlamp , smoothed and rearranged her clothes but even if she had n't Moran would not have noticed this evening .
4 At Ångelholm , we were joined by two more people , a grim-looking older woman all in black , who looked as if she had n't smiled since 1937 and who spent the entire journey watching me as if she had seen my face on a wanted poster , and by a fastidious older man who I guessed to be a recently retired schoolmaster and took an instant dislike to .
5 Even if she had n't sussed out who had ordered the stuff , she should have asked for his advice and help in disposing of it .
6 She would n't have sent it if she had n't meant to encourage him .
7 She might have laughed if she had n't felt so sick .
8 Another , after describing her loveless relationship with an unsatisfactory husband , is amazed at Jim Dixon 's remark that she would have been better off if she had n't married .
9 If she had n't arranged to take Sandra to the doctor 's Marjorie would probably go back to bed herself , now , with a cup of tea and the Daily Mail .
10 When your mother was Lorna Lewis , and still got called the last great blonde in Hollywood even if she had n't made a picture for ages , it was , worse than gross , it was a total bummer .
11 I think that if she had n't known us ; that I was a groom and Copper was pretty sensible , she would n't have given me the choice of trying to save him , especially as he was seventeen years old .
12 And if she had n't been able to judge this from their dress , she would have from their voices as , one following the other , they said , ‘ Good evening . ’
13 Jenny was nine , and even if she had n't been adventurous she would probably have fallen in the river anyway , because there was nothing much to do at Dale End but get into mischief .
14 She always said she could n't have gone to Brownies at all if she had n't been able to cycle , for the distance was too far for her to walk , and there was no bus .
15 I am glad now she did lose her budgie — and find it — because if she had n't she would n't have seen my puppy trapped right down in the hollow tree .
16 Angela was glad she was a Brownie , because if she had n't been she would surely have broken down and sobbed at missing her great chance of winning the bicycle .
17 If she had n't approached me first I doubt I should have recognised her , she was so different from the plump , fresh-faced girl whom I had met on the train that January morning more than three years ago .
18 If she had n't yielded to a guilty passion then she would have been a better wife to Denny .
19 She was as white as a ghost , and her eyes were shadowed as if she had n't slept properly for weeks .
20 If she had n't kept busy all the time she would have thought too much about James , and about Maggie .
21 She knew it was best , but she could n't help wondering what would have happened if she had n't been so proud on Christmas Day .
22 ‘ Mr Lambert — the loaf ! ’ ordered the Captain as if she had n't spoken .
23 Even if she had n't been linked to the blackamoor , the cards were stacked against flight .
24 It would be easy enough to envy him if she had n't seen that terrible mark on his shoulder — — he 'd taught her to read those letters .
25 How , he wondered , did one set about finding a woman , last heard of in Cornwall , whose surname was Carrow — that is , if she had n't remarried — and a child who he supposed must be getting on for four .
26 If she had n't been Mrs Arbuthnot , he 'd have told anyone else to stop spoiling her and give her work to do around the house .
27 If she had n't started crying , what might not have happened between him and his father ?
28 If she had n't spoken those secret fears ( ‘ I am so ugly .
29 She doubted whether she could have told the difference if she had n't known .
30 It was so nearly nothing she wondered if she had n't loaded it properly .
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