Example sentences of "if [indef pn] look at " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It got to the point that if someone looked at me on the street I thought they were responsible . ’
2 I then went down to Athens , to the National Museum , and was very impressed by the great display of Cycladic material there , and also by how little was known about the Cyclades if one looked at the literature of the time .
3 Nevertheless , the company 's financial controller said that , if one looked at the methods used by the cost accountant at the pre-investment ( i.e. product-design ) stage , it was clear that the notions of activity-based costing did receive careful consideration , before approval of the product design and projected product prices used in the investment appraisal .
4 Suppose that one set the pendulum in motion , waited long enough for transients to die away , and then attempted to predict ( on the basis of previous experience ) what one would observe if one looked at the pendulum .
5 One wonders how often our players play in tournaments for if one looks at the tennis results in the daily newspapers one seldom sees the letters G.B. behind the player 's name , and if we do , seldom does it appear past the first round .
6 If one looks at the figures presented at Budget time for the previous financial year , for the financial year 1967/1968 , it is pretty clear in broad terms on what scale the process had been in operation .
7 I think if one looks at life and says : ‘ If I was doing that job , what are the conditions I would like to work in ? ’ , and then put them into operation , people will probably think it 's about right .
8 If one looks at seventh-century England , as described by the Venerable Bede , it is hard ( for all his efforts ) to see much difference between the pagan Penda of Mercia and the Christian Oswald of Northumbria as rulers .
9 If one looks at the speeches , reads the pamphlets and studies the discussions of Councils one sees that an aggressive political tone was never far from the surface and this was before their wholesale involvement in the debates over the 1902 Education Act .
10 The past often appears ideal in retrospect , yet if one looks at it closely it reveals itself as a dangerous place where we laid mines to trap others , and others laid them to trap us .
11 If one looks at these persons we agree are ‘ great ’ butlers , if one looks at , say , Mr Marshall or Mr Lane , it does seem to me that the factor which distinguishes them from those butlers who are merely extremely competent is most closely captured by this word ‘ dignity ’ .
12 If one looks at these persons we agree are ‘ great ’ butlers , if one looks at , say , Mr Marshall or Mr Lane , it does seem to me that the factor which distinguishes them from those butlers who are merely extremely competent is most closely captured by this word ‘ dignity ’ .
13 I realize that if one looks at the matter objectively , one has to concede my father lacked various attributes one may normally expect in a great butler .
14 If one looks at the early development of vertebrae it becomes clearer just how segmental much of our own early development is .
15 If one looks at the international scene — as any university or special librarian must — the range of choice is further amplified , especially since publishing in the Third World is expanding very quickly .
16 If one looks at a map of the line , bridge No 352 carried the country road from Rothley plain to Swithland village , beneath the line at Swithland sidings .
17 However , if one looks at Shavante rhetoric and desire , they have a hunting economy .
18 If one looks at the lists of endangered specials it is apparent that many are large animals .
19 If one looks at the newspapers one rarely sees jobs advertised at over £80 000 .
20 There has been a lively debate in the American literature on this issue , with some researchers arguing that , if one looks at assistance of all types , the model is curvilinear in the sense that the middle generation in three-generation families is net provider of support in both directions ( Hill , 1970 ) .
21 However , if one looks at the size of family , the findings are fairly consistent : in the 1948 French study , for instance , housewives with one child put in on average a seventy-eight-hour week ; in the 1950 British study a sixty-seven-hour week , and in the present study a seventy-one-hour week was the average figure for housewives in this group .
22 But it is quite different in almost any university if one looks at the immediate post- doctoral level .
23 And yet even the New Testament as it is today bears witness , if one looks at it closely , to Jesus as a military and political Messiah — to Jesus , in other words , as a would-be precursor of Constantine .
24 The rite of passage of marriage is not , interestingly enough , if one looks at it carefully but baptism certainly is .
25 Further , if one looks at the picture for some time , one generally finds , involuntarily , that what one sees changes frequently from a staircase viewed from above to a staircase viewed from below and back again .
26 If one looks at the painting there is clearly a gap between the mythic illusion which one can ‘ read ’ and the immediacy of the sensations one experiences through the sense of sight .
27 However , if one looks at section 3 it is — we do not need to decide the point — at least doubtful whether it would apply to the circumstances of the present case , because the requisite intent which has to be present before section 3 is breached is the intent under subsection ( 2 ) of section 3 , ‘ ( a ) to impair the operation of any computer ’ — that clearly does not apply to what the respondent did here — ‘ ( b ) to prevent or hinder access to any program or data held in any computer ’ — that again clearly does not apply to what the respondent did here — and ‘ ( c ) to impair the operation of any such program ’ — that does not apply here .
28 Yet , if one looks at the situation from the point of view of the victim , it is an accident , in the sense that it was not expected or intended by the victim himself .
29 If one looks at the history of the advance of IT , it starts with the development of the science and technology .
30 If one looks at the sky on a clear , moonless night , the brightest objects one sees are likely to be the planets Venus , Mars , Jupiter , and Saturn .
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