Example sentences of "if [not/n't] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 Bukharin was one of the first , if not the first , to recognise that arms production , far from being productive of surplus-value , was in fact value and surplus-value consuming .
2 The alternative voting system at least possesses the virtue of requiring that if such policies are to be persisted in , the doctrine in which they are grounded must have been at least minimally acceptable to , if not the first choice of , a majority of voters .
3 For the Australian army was among the first , if not the first , Allied service taking up the commando idea , even though they already had nearly four divisions overseas .
4 In many ways , McLaren was an early , if not the first , prototype of the modern racing team , and it did indeed seem as though Emerson fitted in very well .
5 Kastri on Kythera seems to have been one of the earliest , if not the first , Minoan colony , and it was set up well before 2000 BC .
6 The PROFITBOSS gets there — if not the first time , then the second time ; if not the second time , then the thousandth time .
7 Thus , claims Matthew Swainston , " the seamen were among the first , if not the first , of any class of working men to think in national terms " .
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