Example sentences of "if [det] [noun sg] was " in BNC.

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1 With hindsight , it seems as if each marriage was doomed to failure from the start .
2 In London , as in Washington , the ending of the war in 1945 gave rise to the feeling that , if each state was not about to go its separate way , the wartime intimacy had definitely weakened .
3 Occasionally I 'd get up in the morning and there he 'd be in the kitchen , eating furiously , as if he did n't know where his next grub was coming from , as if each day was an adventure that could end anywhere .
4 And to be far away from home and in a situation where life had to be lived as if each day was your last must have intensified every sensation .
5 The phrasing got so slow and emphatic that you knew that she wanted you to listen to and weigh up every single word ; but you could n't tell if each word was freighted with anger , or bitterness , or joy ; it just came out with great , quiet force , and you had to work out its tone for yourself .
6 At last Adam spoke , as if each word was a weight he had to lift .
7 If each family was to have the services of a senior and a junior counsel , the costs would be enormous , and at that stage no one knew what the position would be regarding the question of Legal Aid .
8 He had a tendency , even a compulsion to repeat short phrases which seemed particularly apt : to hammer at them as if something was being shaped on an anvil , or as if each phrase was a key which unlocked whole galleries of memory .
9 He was looking down at his plate and there was a tremor in his jaw as if each syllable was finding a nerve in a broken tooth .
10 If that standard was implemented in the city we would be able to designate almost the entire area of north Belfast , ’ he claimed .
11 Well I have n't , it 's just that that people have said , you know , when the permissions available can we see it as soon as possible that was all , I just wondered if that document was available ,
12 The US components divisions would hit the goddamned roof if that proposal was ever given the light of day .
13 All other considerations , to a greater or lesser degree , had to become secondary if that survival was to be ensured .
14 The Soviet Union would only permit a united Germany if that state was to be neutral , the argument went , and that way lay the old nightmare of a Germany swinging between East and West .
15 It just sucked them in as if that wall was made of … mud or something .
16 ‘ May I observe that this is a rather strange sort of idleness … ’ and he went on to admit that , although it was difficult for him to defend his present way of life , there was purpose in it , even if that purpose was an obscure one .
17 If that clause was taken to be a definition of the Government 's position and repeatedly referred to as an escape route , which appears to be the intention , it would fundamentally undermine confidence in the Government 's commitment to the European process .
18 It can order the charge to be effective : ( i ) as against an administrator and liquidator , if it is satisfied that the inaccuracy did not prejudice any unsecured creditor or that no person became an unsecured creditor during the period when the registered particulars were defective and ( ii ) as against a person who acquires an interest , if that person was not misled by the unregistered particulars .
19 I mean a fixed term contract for a year for a new in , for an investigator , first of all we 've got to find someone who would do it , secondly if that person was n't frankly al already an investigator the investment in that person .
20 but that 's not just because somebody was away for their dinner , it 's , if that person was back from their dinner
21 But from 1564 until 1585 England was mostly at peace with her neighbours , even if that peace was sometimes fragile .
22 I think our view is that if that provision was to be any greater , then we would have significant difficulty in accommodating that provision within our part of Greater York , primarily for for greenbelt considerations , not reasons , erm any additional provision would require a rolling back of the greenbelt , er significant provision would have two implications , erm either it would mean peripheral expansion er of York into the greenbelt around York and into our district , we feel that would adversely affect the special character of York , lead to outward sprawl of the York urban area , encroachment into open countryside , and coalescence of the urban area with the villages in our district , er and we we would n't want to support that .
23 I would prefer it to see it extended to ten miles if that sector was chosen .
24 So we swapped addresses with er , ca n't remember , it was a man middle-aged sort of man and er he then said ooh , well he said I still think that we were in the right in as much as if that policeman was supposed to have been directing traffic blah blah blah blah blah !
25 At Procedure Roll a defender may , very occasionally , succeed in persuading a Court that the pursuer 's case is so hopeless that it is not worth allowing evidence to be heard because even if that evidence was heard , it would not make out a case which would entitle the pursuer to succeed .
26 If that setback was a rare hiccup in Wycombe 's drive towards household name status , O'Neill is at home among the comparative anonymity of non-League football .
27 It would give the viewer freedom of choice , even if that freedom was not extended to the broadcasters .
28 No one realised more than the Queen that her children were deeply flawed and that the monarchy might be better served if that generation was skipped altogether .
29 The Council may revoke the recognition of a recognised body if that recognition was granted as a result of any error or fraud .
30 " I tell you , Menina Sara , if that ship was going back to Ireland today , I would be the first on board ! "
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