Example sentences of "if [det] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And , correctly interpreting his expression , she added forcefully , ‘ And if that look you 're giving me means what I think it means — it does n't !
2 You know there we are the , the marketing communication P R people whatever we are and so therefore if that organization we worked for gets published in the media , positive company
3 If this year we have to stabilize in this way , do these things , then that 's not a bad achievement compared with what we set out with three months ago .
4 ‘ On balance then it seems as if this change we have suggested might be a good thing .
5 And if this candidate they 're sending should be more interested in Home Rule for Ireland than our Ten Hours ' Bill then what of it ?
6 So therefore , if this term I 've got one , two , three , four , five weeks roughly left and I know that sometimes erm what 's that ?
7 The surprise and shock registered yet again on Ewen 's face were so real that even I , if this time I had not known better , would have thought them genuine .
8 You are the first of the king 's officers to know that Lord Grey of Ruthyn is carried off prisoner into Wales , and if this moment you turned out the muster of every shire between here and Denbigh , and loosed them into Clocaenog forest , do you think you would find hide or hair of a Welshman there ?
9 I think if some cakes we need definitely .
10 But i you have , I 'm sure to go to people and not be at all surprised if some people you can never raise the enthusiasm , because that 's human nature , and you accept human nature as it is , but if you 're positive and encourage and lead without being coercive to a high degree , I think you get more responses .
11 Which they now hackt & hewd , as if such use they hated ,
12 I I do second it because if all aspects I actually supported , that is to say I support that the the first part of the of the amendment which is the motion from the policy and resources committee as well as the bit that has been er added on erm as far as the latter is concerned I support it , largely for the reason that Mr has explained .
13 We have heard quite a lot , colleagues , about pensions and pension schemes over the last eighteen months perhaps we have to actually thank Mr Maxwell for raising the issue , even if those pensioners he cheated wo n't thank him .
14 but does n't that bring us back you see to clause nine , erm , is , is , is that a clause which erm which you 're , you 're suggesting is anti competitive because er agents might compete with er each other as to what if any funds they might want to pull down , or
15 Asked if any tribes he admires would allow the kind of eccentricity the English tribe had allowed him , he said ‘ I had never thought of that ’ .
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