Example sentences of "if [noun pl] had be " in BNC.

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1 The insider/ethnographer can turn his understanding of an interpretive methodology to an assessment of his own actions , and see connections as if scales had been removed from his eyes .
2 If policies had been misconceived , or even unpopular , it was the Party 's press and public relations advisers who were told to pull up their socks .
3 The number of votes for wets , damps and dries could be accurately counted and a proportionate entitlement of votes could be accurately calculated only if candidates had been distinctively labelled Wet Conservative , Damp Conservative or Dry Conservative .
4 It would have been cheaper — and certainly better PR — if speakers had been offered jugs of iced water , the liquid being supplied by North West Water .
5 Hoomey thought it very weird , and longed to discuss it with somebody , but dare n't , not even to ask Gary if Nails had been away at night .
6 If workers had been in the vicinity , they would have received high doses of radiation .
7 Even if resources had been plentiful , Russia lacked the roads and railways she needed to get them to the front .
8 At the end of August the rains stopped as suddenly as if taps had been turned off September was considered by the English community even under normal conditions to be the most unhealthy month of the year ; while the hot sun resumed its office of drying out the pools of water which had collected on the sodden earth , fever-bearing mists and miasmas hung everywhere .
9 It was better that way , she supposed , though if things had been normal at home Rob could have phoned her there .
10 Erm well we 'd , we 'd got something on trying to ascertain if things had been produced by a multinational , which I suppose ties in with probably with , with three down .
11 If things had been otherwise , Mrs Arbuthnot would have made an ideal wife for the duke .
12 If things had been otherwise , perhaps that 's how he would have liked to hear of his son 's death .
13 Oh yes , if things had been alright .
14 The competitive weakness of the British economy was truly overdetermined : even if the financial institutions had been more disposed towards promoting industrial investment , even if managements had been more competent and imaginative , the restructuring of industry would still have run up against the formidable defensive conservatism of the organised working class .
15 If newspapers had been available when marauding hordes from all over the continent were ravaging our land , the people who had managed to settle in one spot for three or four generations would be complaining bitterly that the Angles , Saxons , Jutes , Danes , Romans , Vikings , etc were overrunning the traditions of the island .
16 Her face seemed puffy to her as if tears had been drenching it while she had been unconscious .
17 Even if cubs had been reared on human flesh , they did not persist in man-eating once they had grown up .
18 If , on any of the pay days , your employee was not due any pay ( for example , if wages had been paid in advance at holiday time ) , the ‘ blank weeks ’ are still included in the calculation .
19 If on any of the pay-days , your employee did not get any pay ( for example , if wages had been paid in advance at holiday time ) , the ‘ blank weeks ’ are still included in the calculation .
20 Yet it is hardly likely that even if links had been made a ramshackle group of peasant armies using antiquated military techniques could have stood out for long against the Red Army .
21 If we had n't taken that cash out , that is , if borrowings had been £150m more than they actually were , we probably would n't have got those covenant changes and the whole group could have gone under . ’
22 The boom would have run out of steam very quickly indeed if capitalists had been forced to find extra employees to operate all the new machines .
23 I grew up on movies and have always believed that if cameras had been invented before Ur and Og first trod the stone age boards then no one would ever have bothered to invent plays , they would have just leapt straight into the cinema .
24 It is a constant concern that they might have achieved much more if services had been better and that they may regress if services do n't improve .
25 If boys had been there I would have just sat and twiddled my thumbs .
26 If boys had been there she might never had said anything . ’
27 There was no lack of enterprise in founding monasteries or endowing them ; it seems likely that if spinsters had been a serious problem to the fathers of the age , more convents of nuns would have appeared .
28 She was smiling and her whole face shone as if candles had been lit inside her .
29 The experiment could have been improved if measurements had been made more accurately .
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