Example sentences of "if [pron] be at " in BNC.

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1 During the summer months I can usually get away with leaving my boat conveniently tied up to the pier , but only if I am at home to keep an eye on the weather : in Shetland , even in summer , a gale can blow up from the south east , causing a swell to set into the voe .
2 I wonder if I am at the right do and half-expect two boxers to make an appearance .
3 The earth curved up and around me wherever I went , as if I were at the bottom of a dish , and no matter how far I travelled I could get no nearer the rim — like a spaceman hurtling , as he thinks , towards the edge of the universe , only to find it unfolding before him and closing in behind , so that he is always at the centre .
4 I 'm far too tired , even if I were at all tempted .
5 I felt as if I was at a milestone now , on the threshold of something .
6 I 'd just feel more secure if I was at home . ’
7 I felt as if I was at the end of a long tunnel where someone was kicking my legs .
8 Thank you Chair , as the chair of that meeting yesterday , I was wondering if I was at the same committee as this m these minutes came from , because when I read the minutes two and three , I certainly did n't remember us passing those .
9 ‘ My friends were n't going to take any nonsense from me and if I was at all
10 Well I know that if I was at work .
11 if I was at Colchester with .
12 My eyes then focus directly between the top of the windscreen and the roof , and if I 'm at the front at traffic lights , I feel like Ayrton Senna would if you blindfolded him and put him on pole position .
13 I feel as if I 'm at the earth 's heart .
14 you 're responsible for mine and if I 'm at work I 'm responsible for yours , I wrote to the D H S S
15 Fido can be trained to give the alert if someone is at the door , if the telephone is ringing or a visitor is coming up the path .
16 He had only gone out socially with his secretary for after-work drinks and may then have only been less formal than if her were at work . ’
17 I wonder how she is if she 's at work or at home .
18 they 've got a girl that works there right and her name her name is Linda and they run this big machine and it 's really long and he said if she 's at the top machine he ca n't see down the other end of the machine cos her boobs are in the way and he 's got I said you do n't ask her can sh he said yeah well he said I 've got ta ask her can she move out the way , he said if she sits on the table her boobs are resting on the table , I said oh I 'd crack up .
19 I do n't know if she 's at the top of one yet I imagine she probably
20 so he goes oh if she 's at and he goes ah right , right
21 If a husband wishes to set up his own business , his wife should think through the implications of having her husband at home all day , if she is at home too .
22 Her head was swimming and the floor seemed to be undulating as if she were at sea .
23 And he could only keep William and stop the court from giving Mummy custody if she were at home to help care for her brother .
24 Would it be far-fetched then to see Susan , if she were at home ringing up the Gay Byrne Radio Show to tell him what she saw ?
25 Mainly there was silence , in still greenish light , as if she were at the bottom of a pool .
26 As usual when drunk , he spoke to her as if she was at the other end of the street .
27 If she was at a rave , how come we have n't had anything from the patrol cars about it ? ’
28 I am absolutely convinced that if she was at all worried about my ‘ drug activities ’ it would have manifested itself , like in difficulties at school or something .
29 She was wearing high-heeled shoes — which is very unusual for a First Spiritualist — and she was smirking at people as if she was at a cocktail party rather than morning service .
30 ‘ I want to tell you fellas , if you are at risk ( from nuclear contamination ) it 's your semen and sperm which is at risk . ’
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