Example sentences of "if [pron] [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's all very well for all the major computer manufacturers to say that all the money is in software and services these days , and that hardware is a commodity business , but if no-one wants to make the hardware , there 's no industry .
2 Everyone has their own ideas about how it should be done , but if everyone agrees to lift it together , it suddenly becomes a very easy task .
3 ‘ Mother Machree ’ and even if everyone hated to admit it to his face , Father Mooney sang it well , considering he was a man that had no formal training at Ingham 's .
4 What are the dangers if everyone tries to improve everything ? ’
5 ‘ That 's if nothing happens to make me cry off . ’
6 It seems that I pay an extremely small price for a program from the supplier , and that I also have to pay the author if I wish to use it .
7 If I wish to maximise my impact on improving human life , I can do so best by putting my effort into activities I know are unlikely to take place otherwise and into small-scale ventures where I can actually see results for my efforts .
8 But if I wish to enjoy myself dabbling in cooking or in playing the stock exchange then I should try and form my own judgment .
9 Can I extend my covenant , if I wish to continue making payments over a longer period ?
10 I will inform the bank in writing if I wish to cancel this Instruction .
11 I will inform the bank in writing if I wish to cancel this instruction , and I understand that if any direct debit which breaks the terms of this instruction , the bank will make a refund .
12 Q. What happens if I wish to stop paying premiums ?
13 Thus the doctor who tells me to take a drug , if I wish to recover from a sickness , is expressing a hypothetical imperative .
14 What if I wish to give small amounts regularly over a period ?
15 What if I wish to give a sum of capital or a sum in excess of my annual taxable income ?
16 If I wish to buy a manufactured object from a shopkeeper , the shopkeeper must first obtain it from a wholesaler , the wholesaler must then in turn obtain it from the manufacturer , who must in turn obtain components and raw materials from other suppliers further down the line .
17 It would be best procedure if I began to answer a series of questions in a room from which Clements was excluded .
18 I am just an ordinary Daleswoman and if I began to think or act otherwise I know a few people around here who would soon bring me to my senses .
19 Instead of stopping , I ran even more , promising myself that if I began to feel ill , I would heed the warning .
20 And then if I please to reach him a hand and pick him up again , he shall know and acknowledge to whom he owes it , and walk more humbly thereafter .
21 ‘ But would n't it be better if I came to see her , just to meet her , so that she knows who you 're with ? ’
22 she were , she were helping to make tea and , I do n't know how she , how it came , but she said granddad , I thought oh something 's coming now I says what ? , she said if I came to stay with you , she said after Richard 's you know sale , if I came to stay with you for at the weekend shall I have to go in that
23 she were , she were helping to make tea and , I do n't know how she , how it came , but she said granddad , I thought oh something 's coming now I says what ? , she said if I came to stay with you , she said after Richard 's you know sale , if I came to stay with you for at the weekend shall I have to go in that
24 The trouble was I chose the wrong product if I hoped to make myself a fortune .
25 If I managed to get it home with the help of a cabbie we must be able to move it between the two of us .
26 It was a test , I decided , with one hell of a reward if I managed to pass .
27 It may however be helpful madam speaker , er Madam Deputy Speaker , if I seek to clarify er when an individual auditor is operating in his capacity as such and whether a partner in an auditing practice who is not involved in audin er in auditing the regulated institutions is deemed nevertheless to be operating in his capacity as auditor .
28 A hypothetical imperative tells me that , as a rational being , I must do such and such if I desire to obtain a certain upshot , because it is the essential means to that upshot , and he who wills the end must will the means .
29 if I go to look at something
30 If I go to buy some fish , for instance , and it 's been irradiated , it wo n't smell .
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