Example sentences of "if [adj] [is] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , ’ I said , ‘ I think there 'll be trouble about this , but if that 's the position , carry on . ’
2 But , if that 's the case , why was the deal handled in such a sly and back-handed manner ?
3 ‘ Well , if that 's the way you want it .
4 If that 's the way you take it , ’ Arty said , ‘ I 'll just have to leave it all to the ould fellow . ’
5 Last night an executive director of Bond Corp , Peter Lucas , attacked the NAB move : ‘ If that 's the way business can expect bankers to behave , God help Australia . ’
6 If that 's the case , of course I understand .
7 The Death of Klinghoffer , with music ( if that 's the word ) by John Adams , had its European premiere in Brussels last year .
8 The worst of it is that one can not yet express a proper anger about the state of things , since it is just about possible that the Frauleins Krabbe , Breuer and Moller are innocent of any serious wrongdoing ( if that 's the right term ) in the affair of the Uniform Urine .
9 If that 's the way you want it well stop .
10 If that 's the case I 'll stay out longer than I 'd planned , and do you a favour ! ’
11 He used to think five was enough , but acquired an additional one after Raymond wisecracked , ‘ If that 's the charcoal grey worsted , it must be Tuesday . ’
12 If that 's the way you want to play it , fair enough .
13 If that 's the Sue I once bought a drink for — out of pity — in a certain low-rent wine bar she frequents ( Naughty Nineties postcards in brass frames and scrums of desperate shrieking middle-aged women hogging the tables ) , then I do n't think she 's telling the full story .
14 ‘ Oh , aye , if that 's the Feltons you want there are a number of men in the family .
15 Its main flying boat aerodrome ( if that 's the right word ) was on the Solent , near Hythe , but Imperial Airways also ran to a number of other places around Britain , including the Pool of London .
16 Fine , if that 's the way you want to play it .
17 ‘ Waste your money on lawyers if that 's the way you want it , ’ he retorted .
18 So it was that Ms Wainwright found herself manhandling ( if that 's the word ) the seven-by-four polystyrene boards across the frozen Alaskan wastes , often in the teeth of gale force winds and in temperatures down to -40°C .
19 If that 's the case , the saboteur would n't have walked back to Cartier but up to some vantage point from where he could watch the smash . ’
20 If that 's the case , then the Panda Selecta ought to be a popular choice for many town buyers , given that it 's less than £6,000 .
21 We had a good Christian upbringing , and I know I ought to condemn him if that 's the case , but I do n't .
22 If that 's the case , then you 're not a band .
23 As well buy a packet of itching powder and a backscratcher , if that 's the kind of satisfaction you want .
24 If that 's the big success that everyone predicts , Donington could keep the European Grand Prix and emerge as a rival to Silverstone when the latter 's contract for the British Grand Prix runs out in l996 .
25 Then he mumbled , ‘ Well , if that 's the way you want it . ’
26 So I said , ‘ Well , if that 's the case , I 'm going straight to the President/Prime Minister/ Foreign Secretary/First Lord , etc. , to say So-and-So wo n't do what I ask , so I 'm not prepared to carry on and here 's my resignation . ' ’
27 If that 's the kind of bloody fool that runs this country , ’ he muttered to himself , ‘ Gawd help us . ’
28 Siegel said softly , ‘ If that 's the case , let's hope there is something in his life that he would miss too much to let it go so easily … ’
29 In a series of assaults on Scotland 's natural heritage laws the Scottish Office , and Scottish Secretary Ian Lang , have succeeded in overturning the presumption of protection for Sites of Special Scientific Interest , creating instead new ‘ natural heritage areas ’ which will be protected — if that 's the right word — by voluntary agreements .
30 If that 's the case , I suggest anyone in the past who flunked an O-level exam writes to these people to demand that their E and F failures be upgraded to passes , with honours .
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