Example sentences of "they [be] ask [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The counsellors are not there to tell any young person what to do though if they are asked for practical advice they will give it .
2 People at all levels of the organization can accomplish very much more than they are asked to under contemporary conventions .
3 Individuals are regularly asked about their perceptions of the economy as a whole , about inflation and unemployment levels ; then they are asked about their household finances in particular , their expectations of buying consumer durables and their attitudes towards saving .
4 Today they are asking to be heard — even on such an explosive subject as the war in Arabia .
5 Party leaders in many republics have been openly demanding one : it seems only a matter of time before the president offers them what they are asking for .
6 They are asking for eight per cent , whereas the housing associations can afford to pay only three-and-a-half per cent . ’
7 When scientists ask why something happens , they are asking for a general causal account .
8 He concluded : ‘ It seems to me that the only purpose the FBI has in proposing such a law would be so that it can make telephone taps without the cooperation of the telephone company … in other words , what they are asking for is the ability to make warrant-less taps . ’
9 Indicating understanding of poor language skills does not necessarily mean that children receive what they are asking for but the fact that poor language has not interfered with the process of communication needs to be made clear to children .
10 Instead , they are asking for no compulsory redundancies , and are arguing with BR management about whether this can fairly be interpreted as asking for jobs for a lifetime .
11 I want the most comprehensive list on all those who tried to do us in … they are asking for it and they are going to get it . "
12 To say they were shocked is an understatement , but staff and customers enjoyed the day so much they are asking for another . ’
13 The I R A if they 're asked to will ?
14 Item one on M , Mr Chairman , the right of you with the amount of work that has to be done , and the amount of they 're asked for
15 So , we must oppose that and er also they 're asking for new powers er to move illegal travellers from land this is just another device because of their failure to provide sufficient sites throughout the country and if the of Essex County Council do their job er they they do n't need these new powers , what authority ought to be ha , er having are powers to provide some er , camping places for people .
16 ‘ I 've threatened to shut the hotel down before I 'll give them the 12 per cent they 're asking for .
17 ‘ It 's the little things that are frustrating , ’ said Jane Olds , ‘ such as not being able to ask if they 're warm , or not understanding if they 're asking for something . ’
18 They 're asking for trouble — disillusionment at the very least , more probably betrayal . ’
19 ‘ How can I do a miracle if I do n't know what they 're asking for ? ’
20 What they 're asking for is already in the rule , already in the rule what the speaker spoke about , about er , motion number three on rule amendment , and have a look at it , what the motion states is not what she spoke about , not what she spoke about .
21 But have a look at the rule and you 'll find that it bloody well states exactly what they 're asking for in that motion .
22 But they 're asking for for thirty six ,
23 They 're asking for a donation of twenty thousand pounds , put that in the context of nearly say six hundred , six hund sorry five hundred and forty thousand pounds that they 're spending , and maybe ninety thousand pounds English Heritage are spending , they 're asking for us to fund the shortfall .
24 They 're asking for a donation of twenty thousand pounds , put that in the context of nearly say six hundred , six hund sorry five hundred and forty thousand pounds that they 're spending , and maybe ninety thousand pounds English Heritage are spending , they 're asking for us to fund the shortfall .
25 Police say it 's the worst assault they 've seen , and they 're asking for information from the criminal underworld .
26 Now they 're asking for help from Swindon 's criminal underworld .
27 you see and they 're asking for people who could ref who could , you know , give references to cos like put all these , all , down on these different things that you want like you know , say you want but then a lot of people just put down small business and management , something like that .
28 Yes , well the economic effect on our own country , well when I say under , er Europe , er , with this proposal that er , we have to open up our markets er for the benefit of the Soviet , er because , that is going to cost er , what they 're , what they 're asking for , not only in Soviet but also across Eastern Europe is that the agricultural market , the steel , and the textile market , all the most sensitive areas , should be opened up to them , and that 's going to shed a , a great increase in unemployment er within the , within the common market .
29 And the rail unions have begun pay rise talks where they 're asking for rises approaching double figures .
30 and erm I went to a youth club and I I was speaking to eight year olds and they 're asking about condoms cos they 've seen them in the street , so it 's obviously they 're wanting to find out about it cos it 's everywhere around them even , does n't matter what age .
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