Example sentences of "they [be] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Some gay people molest children , just as some heterosexual people do , but this is because they are emotionally and psychosexually damaged , whatever their sexual orientation . ’
2 They are beyond and outside what was obligatory book illustration .
3 Above all , to what extent can clinicians be persuaded to accept that they are financially and managerially accountable for their decisions ?
4 Fully discussed with and explained to your customer in advance to ensure they are clearly and fully understood ,
5 Well they are anyway cos they 've been doing the test at eleven !
6 Holists , according to Miller , aim to show why social phenomena would be as they are even if particular individuals possessed properties other than those they actually have .
7 To the extent that these ways of behaving are inherited from the mother , it can be hypothesized that they are not directly taught from mother to daughter : rather they are indirectly and unconsciously assimilated .
8 All creatures communicate only in the manner to which they are instinctively and inwardly programmed .
9 I found out who they are just before I left to see you .
10 Robins played crap vs SCUM , so lets hope they are just as crap vs us .
11 Some relationships have already split up before girls realise that their periods have stopped or they feel a bit sick , and they discover they are well and truly pregnant .
12 If they are strongly and exclusively attached to domineering parents who set impossibly high standards and are deeply ‘ hurt ’ when their offspring fail to live up to them , it is probable that they will acquire a sense of conscience so severe and restrictive that their spontaneity and emotional life will be crippled and much of their creative energy will remain unused .
13 Much of the legislation harks back to the time when individuals were less readily identifiable than they are nowadays and so protection was necessary to ensure that foul play was not involved .
14 He says that he would not get on so well with her if he had his meals with her , but as he lives quite separately they are very friendly and he likes to know that they are near if he wants company . ’
15 Buyers often attempt to include express warranties stating that goods will be suitable for the purpose for which they are intended to be used by the buyer , or suitable for the purpose for which they are ordinarily or generally used .
16 ‘ I 've heard they are here but they can not do anything , ’ he said , pulling out and brandishing a pistol stuffed down his trouser waistband .
17 They are here if you will listen . ’
18 We could now go on to attempt to explain the character of these institutions by citing their effect on leading capitalists — they are as they are partly because they encourage a belief which is functional in relation to the system as a whole .
19 Some types of soil are , however , so tenacious or chemically inert that they are partly or wholly unaffected .
20 They are condemned as signs of unclear or lazy thinking — and , indeed , when they are overused or inappropriately used ( as in a wall of political hedging erected by a defensive politician ) — they are widely and justifiably attacked .
21 She made a lot of conventional noises , of course ; she had to because you ca n't have Rose and Grace getting any sillier than they are already and they might have taken it into their heads to copy you , but I could see she thought you had real spirit .
22 They are exactly as the computer drew them when they evolved inside it .
23 They are also as much a potential source of recommendations as the client .
24 They are also considering modifying the questions on race and culture which some respondents say must reflect the needs of children from minority ethnic groups more closely .
25 They are probably as frightened of you as you are of them . ’
26 Regular worshippers may have been as sparse then as they are today but he was a person to whom one turned in times of trouble , just as he was called on at times of family celebration .
27 There were weaknesses — batteries were neither so good nor so light as they are today and in any case this was the first step .
28 The limitation figures vary , but as at April 1989 , they are approximately as follows : —
29 The radial shields are visible in some specimens but in others they are partially or totally obscured by the spinelets .
30 Basins in continental interiors are a few hundred to a thousand or more kilometres across and the sedimentary units , with which they are partially or completely filled , generally thicken towards the centre .
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