Example sentences of "they [be] [noun] who " in BNC.

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1 That they are solicitors who would have handled the situation differently from er the defendants .
2 They are writers who have parted company , but who are in some ways at one .
3 They are women who have learnt to defend themselves , who are directly affected by central and local government policies , price speculation and the economic situation of the country .
4 Of course , many workers in adult education are also feminists — they may be the anti-sexist male variety — but on the whole they are women who want adult education to respond to the concerns of the women 's movement .
5 They are siblings who feel they have to disagree violently with mother to demonstrate their own independence .
6 They are dervishes who call upon the name of God .
7 They are beings who live in plants , trees , and flowers .
8 I mean , erm , I know my youth officer in my area takes them as individuals where the , they are youngsters who perhaps would benefit from that .
9 ‘ All three of these witnesses are , it is fair to say without intending any disrespect to them , not educated persons in the sense that they are persons who would have had any experience of judging mental ability .
10 ‘ They have been treated , therefore , as persons in a different situation from mere contractors for then they would have been exempt , but in truth they are purchasers who have acquired an interest not in a mere chattel , but in a subject of a permanent nature … ’
11 They are men who rationally weigh up the advantage of conformity to criminal demands or staying on the path of righteousness ; for the most part they choose the former simply because it does not weigh on their conscience and because it seems more likely to secure economic and career advancement within the corporation .
12 They are men who will have committed an offence within the confines of their family and community .
13 They are people who never do anything , who never go sailing or climb mountains . ’
14 They are people who would like to work but believe no work is available , lack the schooling , training , skills , or experience required by employers , are thought by employers to be too young or too old or who have other personal handicaps in finding a job .
15 This blend of closeness and distance is represented in popular imagery of grandparents : they are people who spoil their grandchildren and are indulgent towards their misdemeanours , even if they have brought up their own children rather strictly .
16 Unfortunately with got to get some of those people who do n't want to come and it 's all about bums on seats it 's the old old saying bums on seats we 've got to get an answer how we do n't get to these here at the moment in the audience whether they are people who want to get bums on seats or how they know how to do it perhaps they should have a meeting like this every month I 've never seen so many of .
17 They are people who either knew Jesus personally or apprenticed themselves , perhaps at second or third remove , to those who did .
18 They are people who live " on the surface " , living off expenses , living in hotels , aeroplanes and motor cars .
19 I mean , they are very basic things but I think that we really do n't acknowledge they are people who should be respected along with the rest of us . ’
20 They are people who visit , oversee , inspect , give medication and observe , but they are involved with patients only intermittently and are not present twenty-four hours in a day .
21 They are people who engage with the world and use what they learn from experience .
22 They are people who are old enough to vote .
23 They are people who are old enough to go to war , and I think that there is a difficulty , you know , a major amoral difficulty or ethical difficulty in attempting to continue to treat young people as if they were still living at home and were not young adults but were really children .
24 They are immigrants who travel across the world breaking down the moral order , bringing chaos to organized society .
25 Looking back , they would have done a few things quite differently , but they certainly did not conform to the view taken by some authorities that they encountered , that they are children who have ruined their lives and wasted their education .
26 Perhaps , thought , they 're people who have been working there all their lives ?
27 They 're people who go around airports and airshows collecting the ‘ tail numbers ’ on aeroplanes .
28 Er most people who claim invalidity benefit I mean do n't need it anyway they 're people who 've got , you know , the existing bad backs , people
29 They 're people who are pathetic , who are sad , who have had an awful lot of knocks in life and I often think that one of the things that everybody in society could do is actually talk to them a bit more .
30 They were sheep who had decided that this was no time to waste energy panicking when it could be used for galloping away as fast as possible .
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