Example sentences of "they [modal v] then have " in BNC.

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1 They may then have made that a major guiding light in their teaching , introducing the concept carefully but firmly , whilst at the same time concentrating on improving the agriculture and amenities .
2 They may then have more flexibility as to who is allowed to be the greedy one .
3 They may then have been required to give hostages as a guarantee of future good behaviour .
4 And there were fears too that even if the armchair fans fork out the £250 for a satellite dish they may then have to pay extra to enjoy the privilege of watching the best games live .
5 They should then have told the representatives , all of whom were present the day before , what they intended to do .
6 They could then have a separate dining room with sliding doors between the two rooms .
7 If they were successful at this stage , they would then have to find the fee .
8 They would then have an incentive to seek out wild foods when foraging for themselves during the day .
9 They would then have no excess seat .
10 They would then have shareholders , rather than members , and would be able to raise additional capital for expansion in the normal commercial way by issuing additional shares .
11 If they can become less blamed , they will then have resolved something important for themselves .
12 They will then have to get money from the dole or the Benefits Agency , which will cost taxpayers a great deal more on top of the £25 billion that the state is already paying out for the unemployed .
13 They will then have a manual .
14 Although we 're working er all the time to keep security as tight as we can at the John Radcliffe , er the scheme is going to give us the ability to challenge members of staff , legitimate members of staff , as we currently do , er and they will then have to provide , produce the card , er so we can then assess whether they are or are not a member of staff .
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