Example sentences of "they [modal v] have their " in BNC.

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1 They may have their own special vocabulary or words .
2 They may have their private regrets that they could not find a way of solving the equation of conflicting interests that offered deeper satisfaction as well as personal advancement , but it is unlikely that they will reveal these .
3 They may have their own computer-based system which again may be unable to communicate directly with the other systems .
4 Research students register as Probationer Research Students in the first instance , and , subject to a formal review of progress at the end of the first year , they may have their registration upgraded to that of D.Phil .
5 Now they may have their own reasons for that and it may be difficult for them to send someone at this precise moment , but I do n't think that they 're necessarily geared up to dealing with the sorts of things that you want them to deal with .
6 If , say , Dutch voters want a tax on non-refillable drinks containers , surely they should have their way — even if , in effect , such a tax favours local bottlers .
7 For a few moments he watched them , and hearing their laughter and seeing the flush of innocent enjoyment in their faces he felt a sudden bitter pang of resentment that they should have their youth still and be free to enjoy it .
8 They should have their whole lives in front of them , but then you 're a man , and men are always rational , always tough .
9 People will stand there and they will clutch something , you see their knuckles are white you know and these sort of things erm or they 'll have their notes you know here , and let's be honest about it yeah I can remember when I started training I think you know you used to cling to your notes a three feet flipchart , you know what ca n't you see ?
10 Or , they could have their developmental pathway specified before they begin migrating and then would migrate to the correct sites .
11 Becoming a gigolo and selling boats in Fiji were just two of the more inventive careers accountants said they would follow if they could have their professional life all over again .
12 Tomorrow , they could have their revenge .
13 The effect was instantaneous : Raby sent back a poem in the same rhyme-scheme saying that they could have their shelves .
14 By simply issuing new shares ( which , in turn , diluted the equity of the current Novell shareholders ) , they could have their cake , eat it , and keep their wealth .
15 Venturing to the second stage , they could have their names and homelands recorded on a list published the follow ing day in Le Figaro de la Tour Eiffel certain proof to less privileged friends and relatives that they had indeed visited this engineering marvel — or could pen lines of poetry for inclusion in the same journal .
16 they they could have their reasons .
17 Basically , it was a late surviving example of 19th century employers ' attitudes towards their staff : checking up on them all the time or they 'd have their hands in the till , It was straight out of H.G. Wells ' Mr Kipps .
18 You 'd know the pros , they 'd have their round hat boxes , their big fur collars , the chorus would all be together , they always wore those high heeled shoes with bows at the front .
19 They 'd have their breeches and leggin 's lined with flannelette — lined with swansdown , they used to say — or fluffy calico .
20 ‘ I suppose you went round as a visitor — they 'd have their own vet , naturally . ’
21 Today they would have their annual personal weapon test .
22 Premier John Major hinted they would have their first meeting ‘ in the next few days ’ .
23 If we attack , they would have their instructions . ’
24 But they would soon tell that they would have their before they would go to bed and thanks er very much when getting the bed and you could er vouch for that they would never .
25 And when they would offer to no no they would n't they would have their own way of drying it in in their bags they would have another clean or or you would say clothes to put on but we never ever heard of them doing a washing .
26 If it 's disallowed then erm they would have their entitlement in that they would be paid a reduced rate during the period of the susp , er of the disallowance .
27 They will have their contracts honoured in full . ’
28 Subscribers can also save themselves £275 if they pay up early : they will have their BBC selector or decoder installed and maintained for one year at the site of their choice for free .
29 They will have their own friends , run separate diaries and make their own official tours and engagements .
30 They will have their tails up and I do n't think we could be going there at a harder time .
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