Example sentences of "they [modal v] [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Among 100 students , for example , they may expect to award about 10 As , 20 Bs , 40 Cs , 20 Ds and 10 Fs .
2 … the grains of dust which the Australian detaches from the sacred rock are so many sacred principles which he scatters into space , so that they may go to animate the totemic species and assure its renewal .
3 They may choose to invest in financial assets ( such as government bonds or building society deposits ) or in real assets ( such as property or antique furniture ) .
4 They may choose to ignore this entirely .
5 That is , they may choose to export , say , plants emitting too much ( illegal ) pollution , or manufacturing processes where the labour costs are legally maintained at a ‘ high ’ level , or products banned for safety reasons , to other countries where pollution laws , legal wage levels , and product safety regulations are all less stringent .
6 They may choose to jump on the bandwagon and agree with the decision that will be made anyway or they may choose to cosset disagreements .
7 Except as , when the two individuals get together again and they may choose to marry .
8 The members of a governing body may in their turn delegate most of these responsibilities to the head teacher , or they may choose to discharge them themselves .
9 They may choose to jump on the bandwagon and agree with the decision that will be made anyway or they may choose to cosset disagreements .
10 In S6 they may choose to study for the Certificate of Sixth Year Studies , or simply work to ‘ keep up ’ their language .
11 On the face of it they may appear to do little more than give effect to the government 's consistent promise to maximise the opportunities for parental choice in the education system .
12 Members of the parliament demanded in a 135-34 vote that Mr Yeltsin appear at the Congress tomorrow , when they may vote to remove him from office for declaring emergency rule and calling an April referendum .
13 If they are doing purely local journeys , then that may be too much and they may prefer to use the Oxford ringroad , but if they are doing long-distance journeys ten miles is not a very significant addition to their journey in length and the congestion on the Oxford ringroad is such that it may actually be shorter in time terms to go the longer way round in distance .
14 But logical or not , the 5TH is certainly complicated — as the most respectable of its apologists admit , though they may prefer to call it " sophisticated " and will refrain from giving a full and candid account of the intricacies of its operation .
15 They may prefer to take action against their minority who refuse to share rather than continuing to fight such innocuous users of the countryside .
16 They may prefer to say nothing because to raise an objection may cause offence or may prolong the sales interaction .
17 Thus they may prefer to skip the next two chapters which are more theoretical .
18 They may prefer to believe themselves to be special and different in their primary addictions rather than part of a wider group of sufferers from addictive disease .
19 Noting the person 's medication , which they may prefer to keep and administer themselves .
20 I 'd like you to tell your story to a couple of my colleagues and they may want to go into greater detail .
21 They may want to leave the hassle of day-to-day practice , but even so , retain their skills and find it difficult to close the book on a lifetime in the profession they love .
22 Having said that , if you do have top-quality black and white photographs , then include one with the press releases to the national newspapers ; they may want to carry the story but have no time to find a photograph themselves .
23 After all , they may want to publish multimedia editions of their works themselves when the time is right .
24 Study the photograph and suggest why they may want to stop this .
25 In the first place they may want to do no more than ensure that the Constitution is not altered casually or carelessly or by subterfuge or implication ; they may want to secure that this important document is not lightly tampered with , but solemnly , with due notice and deliberation , consciously amended .
26 Well , yes they may want to do something about it , but they may be just too scared to give any details which would lead to something being done about it , I mean things can be done about it , but only if the child wants them done .
27 But it 's important to bear in mind that even if children have left home , they may want to return to stay later on , maybe with partners and grandchildren in tow .
28 Well they may want to lead it themselves and actually
29 For instance car manufacturers may offer exceedingly cheap credit , not because they believe their borrowers are uniquely low risk , but because they may want to sell more cars .
30 For instance car manufacturers may offer exceedingly cheap credit , not because they believe their borrowers are uniquely low risk , but because they may want to sell more cars .
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