Example sentences of "they [modal v] [verb] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 They may feel New York for the first time because its fast-dealing busyness is something the screen does n't catch and may smell it for the first time if they come in high summer but one of the great first sights of the world is gone for ever .
2 But Warrington have warned they may cite Jones for a different challenge in the same game .
3 They may take Abernethy , or leave it for their foot .
4 They may spend Saturday night together , and as often as not you see the men holding up the bar with their pints and the women sitting at the tables with their shorts .
5 Ards enjoyed a record-breaking unbeaten run recently but were dumped out of the Wilkinson Sword League Cup semi-final by Coleraine during the week and they may find Frankie Parks ' cup rollercoaster has gathered too much steam .
6 THE ROMANTIC : They may please Barbara Cartland , but the true romantic scorns heart shaped chocolates , Chanel No. 5 , sexy underwear and other fashionable cliches of romance .
7 But they must beat Edinburgh Royals at home at the Jewel & Esk Valley College tomorrow to stay on top .
8 In order for Swindon to make the playoffs they must beat Derby .
9 But they must beat Bristol Rovers and sign off with a flourish against Grimsby Town and Wolves .
10 In November 1958 he told the Western powers that they must leave Berlin within six months and make it a ‘ free city ’ , or he would sign a separate peace treaty with East Germany .
11 Stephen agreed that they must tell Mrs Blakey .
12 they must approach God with a due sense of his moral and ritual distinctiveness .
13 To retrieve their fate back into their own hands , they must exploit Aston Villa 's defeat at Norwich and win when they go to Carrow Road for the second East Anglian title ‘ decider ’ on April 5 .
14 In South Africa , during the agitation against finger-printing , he stunned his supporters by declaring that they must trust Smuts .
15 Some nations , faced with the European political , economic and cultural offensive , drew the conclusion that they must adopt Europe 's weapons if they were to resist .
16 Other publishers do not think they must follow Reed 's initiative to regain lost ground .
17 But they must find Shetland pretty inhospitable , with no trees to support the grubs which is their normal diet .
18 No , they must own Southwold , Kessingland , Pakefield and straight into Lowestoft , all that
19 It had been Arthur 's brainwave in the night ; they must know Clare 's second name , and address .
20 If they really wanted to find a motive for the murder , they should grill Mrs Sweet .
21 John and Joan decided that they should meet Alexander Atkins and his colleague in the flesh .
22 It was unthinkable that they should leave Fenella here at the mercy of the giants .
23 ‘ Yes of course , ’ said Taliesin , his eyes going also to the motionless figure , because it was certainly unthinkable that they should leave Fergus like this , in the middle of a dark old mansion at the heart of an ancient forest .
24 And it was asking too much of readers that they should insulate Eliot the editor and editorialist from Eliot the poet ; so that they should read ‘ Ash-Wednesday ’ without feeling that they were being nudged into the Roman Catholic or the Anglo-Catholic church —
25 Router manufacturers debating whether they should license IBM Corp 's Advanced Peer to Peer Networking code or go with the Cisco Systems Inc-inspired Advanced Peer-to-Peer Internetworking , have a third choice .
26 They should give Quayle his own network and just ask him questions , that 's the show .
27 The name of emperor had ceased among the Greeks ( of Constantinople ) for they were enduring the reign of a woman , wherefore it seemed good both to Leo the apostolic Pope , and to the holy fathers in council with him , and to all Christian men , that they should hail Charles king of the Franks as emperor .
28 When they left the café , Picasso suggested to the other two that they should visit Modigliani 's studio to see his work .
29 I asked , stepping sideways to avoid a brace of female traffic wardens and smiling my best smile as a talisman in case they should visit Golden Square .
30 They should sack Neil Kinnock he 's a daft Welsh git
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