Example sentences of "they [verb] had been " in BNC.

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1 The first Cistercians were men who sought to return to the simplicity of Benedict 's Rule and to its strict observance which they argued had been altered out of all recognition by the Cluniacs who spent much of the day in a long and elaborate round of services in choir .
2 Nearly one in three credit buyers said that the type of credit they used had been a standing arrangement , and so something they used virtually automatically .
3 Its attempt to make farmers pay for the pollution they caused had been overturned by the environmentally primitive MAFF .
4 Five opposition parties lodged a joint request on Feb. 10 for the postponement of the legislative elections planned for March 6 ; this , they said , would enable the revision of electoral lists and constituency boundaries to prevent a recurrence of what they claimed had been massive fraud in the January presidential elections [ see pp. 38709-10 ] .
5 On July 14 , when a PRI victory had already been announced by Michoacán 's State Electoral Commission , thousands of PRD supporters in the state capital , Morelia , protested against what they claimed had been widespread fraud .
6 These young men represented a different kind of leader from those we have so far considered ; the Burma from which they sprang had been influenced by the West far less than India , and only a tiny middle class had assimilated Western education .
7 The justices were , therefore , right to conclude that the conditions they imposed had been necessary and lawful .
8 In Exeter the wool staplers moved quickly in 1787 to imprison some striking wool sorters who were seeking to advance their wages , but at several other times since the statute they employed had been enacted in 1726 , they had conceded advances sought by their journeymen .
9 The basic information they needed had been discovered more than two centuries before .
10 So all their efforts to create helium from hydrogen hat been fruitless ; the traces of helium that they saw had been absorbed from the environment and were not a product of fusion .
11 On the facts before it , which concerned a death from a lorry shedding its load , the court held that the police were wrong to arrest for manslaughter the person whom they thought had been driving the truck : there was a wide gap between a suspicion that somebody was driving a truck , and a suspicion that they were driving it recklessly .
12 Two Norfolk men were recently jailed for siezing a youth they thought had been stealing bicycles .
13 Inevitably the confusion that followed tested even the most loyal barbarians , who could suddenly discover that the emperor they supported had been overthrown by a palace coup , and that there was a hostile ruler in his place .
14 We found ( Appendix II , section 5 ) that on one London estate where we held group discussions several people lived at addresses which they said had been blacklisted in this way , because of bad payers who had lived there before them ; as a consequence , they felt they were being made to suffer from the bad reputation of the previous tenants .
15 There were stories of inhuman cruelty everywhere and the Bosnian Serbs showed videos of their people whom they said had been tortured by Moslems and Croats .
16 Some , they said had been declared unroadworthy by the Department of Transport who 'd then banned then from the roads and others were needed as evidence of alleged offences .
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